- Caulis Clematfdis Armandii 川木通
- Objective To identify Caulis Piperis Kadsurae and its adulterants. 目的研究海风藤及其常见混淆品的鉴别方法。
- Caulis Mahoniae (yellow-corktree bark) HPTLC fingerprint solution. 黄柏药材HPTLC色谱指纹图谱解决方案文档。
- OBJECTIVE:To study the chemical constituents of caulis spatholobi. 目的:研究中药鸡血藤的化学成分。
- Conclusion The content of Berberine Hydrochloride in Caulis Mahoniae may b... 结论功劳木中盐酸小檗碱含量受多种因素的影响。
- Keywords Caulis Clematidis Armandii;Resources;Variety;Exploitation; 川木通;资源;变种;开发利用;
- Objective To study the anti-inflammatory activity of the water extract from Radix et Caulis Ilicis Asprellae. 摘要目的研究岗梅水提取物的抗炎作用。
- OBJECTIVE To study the nootropic effect of compound Caulis Polygoni Multiflori mixture in mice. 目的研究复方首乌藤合剂对小鼠的促智活性。
- Scientists find that the leaf of celery has more mourishment than that of caulis. 科学家研究出芹菜的叶子比茎更有营养。
- So the kind, quantities and changes of dendrocola fungi on healthy and infected (by Cronartium ribicola) Pinus armandii are very important to the growth of the mycoparasites. 因此,弄清华山松健康植株和感染疱锈病的植株(以下简称感病植株)上的树栖真菌种类、数量和动态变化对华山松疱锈生物防治中重寄生菌的定殖相当重要。
- Results The content of chlorogenic acid in 6 Caulis Lonicerae has been determined. 结果测定了川渝6种忍冬藤中绿原酸的含量。
- Ass.Carex siderosticta + Rosa multiflora + P. armandii and Ass.Artemisia atrovirens + L. cyrtobotrya + P. armandii will be in its temporarily stable condition. 崖棕+蔷薇+华山松群丛和深绿篙+短梗胡枝子+华山松群丛目前暂时处于稳定状态。
- Objective:The content of residue of organic chlorine pesticides in Caulis Spatholobi was determined. 目的:测定鸡血藤中有机氯农药残留量。
- Both B.hofmanni and B.hellenicus were new record species in China. They were isolated from new hosts, Armand pine(Pinus armandii) and Yunnan pine(P.yunnanensis), respectively. 后 2种为我国新记录种 ;其寄主分别是华山松 (Pinusarmandii)和云南松 (P .;yunnanensis);为该 2种线虫的世界新寄主记录。
- Methods Ultrastructrual,microscopical and TLC characteristerics of Caulis hedyotidis were investigated. 方法采用性状鉴定、显微特征与薄层鉴别的方法。
- Pinus armandii and Betula albo-sinensis distributed in all area, and Quercus aliena var. acuteserrat and Pinus tabulaeformis distributed at lower mountain belt. 华山松和红桦的分布范围广,且碳储量大小明显高于其它三种类型的;
- Objective With TLC method to identify the Chinese herbs Caulis Spatholobi and Celastrus Orbiculatus Thunb. 目的采用薄层色谱法鉴别通痹灵合剂中的鸡血藤及南蛇藤。
- Conclusion: The micr ostructure characteristics of caulis h erb, as the reference of the micr... 结论:叶类药材横切面组织构造特征,作为其显微鉴定的依据,具有研究价值。
- The nephrotoxicity of Caulis Aristolochiae Manshuriensis has got more and more attention in China and abroad. 关地木通的肾毒性在国内外引起了极大关注。
- Ingredients: natural herbage whiten essence、pearl powder、liquorice、sandalwood、caulis spatholobi、amino acid ets. 成份:天然本草美白精华、珍珠、甘草、当归、川芎、氨基酸等。