- Anytime the central bank intervenes to pump trillions of dollars into the financial system, a bubble is created that must eventually deflate. 过去和现在,只要中央银行出手干预市场,向金融系统撒下数以万亿计的美元,一个泡沫就会因缘而起,并且注定会破裂。
- Central banks intervene on occasion to move or attempt to move currencies to their desired levels. 中央银行在一定情形下采取干预措施以保证其货币汇率保持在其希望的水平。
- Alan Ruskin of the Royal Bank of Scotland says that ”as soon as the central banks intervene, they will set themselves up as targets for the market that will simply blow them away. 苏格兰皇家银行的AlanRuskin说一旦央行采取干预措施,这将与市场的趋势相违背,这样流动资金很容易的流走,而不被用于实际投资。
- Central Bank Intervention 央行干预
- Intervention by central banks became very costly. 由中央银行干预的代价很大。
- The government and central bank were in theoretical harmony. 政府与中央银行按理论是协调一致的。
- The central bank's intervention in the banking crisis. 中央银行对银行危机的干预。
- The Bank of England is the central bank of England. 英格兰银行是英国的中央银行。
- Will the Central Bank raise interest rate? 央行是否加息?
- This can be averted by the central bank. 依靠中央银行就能制止这一情况的发生。
- Redeposited with the Central Bank of China. 一转存中央银行。
- We have approached the central bank for credit. 我银行就该信贷已同中央银行联系过。
- Is that the central bank of the United States? 它是美国的中央银行吗?
- The Swedish central bank created the prize in 1968. 此奖由瑞典中央银行1968年创立。
- The bank intervened with large dollar purchases. 那家银行以大量购进美元来进行干预。
- Growth has since slowed a tad, to 8.4% in the year to the fourthquarter, thanks partly to the intervention of a nervous central bank. 上年第四季度的经济增长率也因此稍有放缓至8.;4%25,这还要部分归功于央行的及时干预。
- In practice, even fixed exchange rates are allowed to fluctuate between definite upper and lower bands, leading to intervention by the central bank. 实际上,甚至固定汇率也被允许在规定的上限和下限浮动区间内波动,这会导致中央银行进行干预。
- Central Bank activity in the domestic money market to reduce the impact on money supply of its intervention activities in the forex market. 国内货币市场上中央银行的活动,目的在于减少其在外汇市场上的干预活动对货币供应量的影响。
- Q: How's the progress of the central bank's restructuring? 问:中央银行机构改革进展如何?
- Each member country's central bank must, if necessary, buy or sell dollars to keep the dollar rate from falling below the lower or rising above the upper intervention point. 每个成员国的中央银行在必要时应买进或抛售美元,使美元汇率下降的幅度不低于最低点,或者上升的幅度不超过最高点。