- Centranthera cochinchinensisn. 胡麻草
- Cudrania cochinchinensis Kudo et Masam. 构棘
- Cudrania cochinchinensis(Lour.)Kudo et Masam. 构棘
- Asparagus cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr. 天冬
- Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng. 木鳖
- Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng. 木鳖
- Excoecaria cochinchinensis Lour. 红背桂
- Asparagus cochinchinensis (Lout.) Merr. 天冬
- Resin of Dracaena cochinchinensis (Lour.)S. C. Ghen. 龙血竭
- VanTiegh[ Loranthus cochinchinensis Lour.;Elytranthe cochinensisLour) G. 拉丁植物动物矿物名Macrosolen cochinchinensisLour.
- Objective: To study the chemical constituents of unsaponifiable matter from the seed oil of Momordica cochinchinensis. 目的:对木鳖子脂肪油的不皂化部分进行化学成分的研究。
- Methods:Seed of Momordica Cochinchinensis oil was extracted with Soxhlet extraction method. 方法:以石油醚为溶剂,采用索氏提取法提取其脂肪酸。
- Biomass and primary productivity of dominant species Aporosa yunnanensis and Blastus cochinchinensis of forest vegetation on Dinghu Mountain. 鼎湖山森林植被优势种云南银柴和柏拉木的生物量及第一性生产力研究
- The research progress on the Dracaena cochinchinensis in recent years,including Chemical Constituents and bioactivities is reviewed. 综述了近年来广西龙血树血竭化学成分及药理学研究进展。
- Definition: Cochinchina Momordica Seed is the dried ripe seed of Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng. (Fam.Cucurbitaceae). 本品为葫芦科植物木鳖 Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.;) Spreng
- Definition: Cochinchinese Asparagus Root is the dried root tuber of Asparagus cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr. (Fam.Liliaceae). 本品为百合科植物天冬 Asparagus cochinchinensis (Lour.;) Merr
- Aporosa yunnanensis and Blastus cochinchinensis were abundant species, which the death individuals had the most, account of 18.48% and 18.25% on total death individuals. 样地内种群数量最多的云南银柴(Aporosayunnanensis)和柏拉木(Blastuscochinchinensis)死亡株数也最多(分别为445株和440株),分别占所有死亡株数的18·46%25、18·25%25;
- Asparagus cochinchinensis Merr. 天冬
- Objective To measure the content of vitamin C and B_2 in five distinguished vegetables (emilia sonchifollia, pterocypsela, Basellacease, momordica cochinchinensis and Sau ropusaudrog) in Bose city. 目的测定百色市五种特色蔬菜一点红、麻菜、胭脂菜、木鳖子苗、天绿香中维生素C和维生素B2的含量。
- Material and craftwork : This Guzheng is made of Dalbergia cochinchinensis, pearls oysters and the conch in the deep sea polished by handcraft into transparent and colorful slices. 材料与工艺:采用红木中高档之酸枝,精心挑选深海夜光螺、珍珠贝等珍稀材料,手工磨成薄片,如蝉翼,色泽透明,天然五彩;