- Cerastium tianschanicumn. 天山卷耳
- Their host plants were chiefly Cerastium oruense, Veronica didyma, Aster americana, Humulus candens and so on. 春季,叶螨多集中在菜地田埂及公路边等环境稳定的场所活动,寄主主要有卷耳,婆婆纳,美洲紫菀和?草等。
- Any of various herbs of the genera Cerastium and Stellaria,especially S. media,a European weed naturalized worldwide. The herb has small white flowers,petals with two deep lobes,and opposite leaves. 卷耳卷耳属和繁缕属中任何一种草本植物,特别是指原产于欧洲而后在全世界引种的繁缕,这种草本植物开有白色的小花,花瓣有两个深裂片,叶为对生叶
- Any of various herbs of the genera Cerastium and Stellaria, especially S. media, a European weed naturalized worldwide. The herb has small white flowers, petals with two deep lobes, and opposite leaves. 卷耳卷耳属和繁缕属中任何一种草本植物,特别是指原产于欧洲而后在全世界引种的繁缕,这种草本植物开有白色的小花,花瓣有两个深裂片,叶为对生叶
- [Cerastium aquaticum L.;Stellaria aquaticaarta (L.) Scop.; 拉丁植物动物矿物名 Myosoton aquaticum Moench.
- [Cerastium aquaticum L.;Stellaria aquaticaarta Scop.; 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Myosoton aquaticum Moench.
- Acantholimon tianschanicumn. 天山彩花
- Helictotrichon tianschanicumn. 天山异燕麦
- Seselopsis tianschanicumn. 西归芹
- Bupleurum tianschanicumn. 天山柴胡
- Epilobium tianschanicumn. 天山柳叶菜
- Taraxacum tianschanicumn. 天山蒲公英
- Trachydium tianschanicumn. 天山瘤果芹
- Gymnosporangium tianschanicum 天山胶锈菌
- Hesperentomon tianschanicumn. 天山夕蚖
- cerastiumn. 耳草属
- Cerastium cerastoidesn. 六齿卷耳
- Cerastium pauciflorumn. 疏花卷耳
- Cerastium perfoliatumn. 抱茎叶卷耳
- Cerastium szechuensen. 四川卷耳