- Ceratium belonen. 尖角藻
- Either of two large marine game fishes(Tetrapturus angustirostris or T. belone) related to the sailfish and marlin,having the upper jaw elongated into a spearlike projection. 四鳍旗鱼两种和(四鳍旗鱼属尖吻四鳍旗鱼或针四鳍旗鱼)有亲缘关系的海生鲑鱼类鱼之一,下颔呈矛状伸长并突起。
- Either of two large marine game fishes(Tetrapturus angustirostris or T. belone) related to the sailfish and marlin, having the upper jaw elongated into a spearlike projection. 四鳍旗鱼两种和(四鳍旗鱼属尖吻四鳍旗鱼或针四鳍旗鱼)有亲缘关系的海生鲑鱼类鱼之一,下颔呈矛状伸长并突起
- Machining surface with high efficiency and high prec ision is the aim which the scholars of the field have been aspired for all belon g on this question. 如何高效率、高精度的完成自由曲面的数控加工,是机械制造领域的研究工作者一直追求的目标。
- Ceratium pentagonum var. longisetumn. 五角角藻长角变种
- Ceratium karstenii var. robustumn. 卡氏角藻粗壮变种
- Ceratium macroceros var. gallicumn. 大角角藻窄变种
- Image: Belon oysters at Belon river, France. Jpg 法国铜蚝
- Ceratium symmetricum var. orthocerosn. 对称角藻直变种
- Ceratium symmetricum var. coarctatumn. 对称角藻窄变种
- Ceratium platycorne var. cuneatumn. 扁平角藻楔形变种
- Ceratium contrarium var. clavicepsn. 相反角藻棒形变种
- Ceratium hoorridum var. clavigern. 粗刺角藻槌状变种
- Ceratium hexacanthum var. contortumn. 网纹角藻反曲变种
- Ceratium arietinum var. gracilentumn. 羊头角藻纤细变种
- Ceratium pulchellum f. semipulchellumn. 美丽角藻亚美变型
- Ceratium pennatum var. scapiformen. 膨角藻花茎状变种
- Ceratium sumatranum f. angulatumn. 苏门答腊角藻棱角变型
- Ceratium digitatum var. rotundatumn. 趾状角藻圆形变种
- Ceratium massiliense var. armatumn. 马西里亚角藻具刺变种