- Challenger Expeditio 挑战者号科学考察
- The champion and the challenger meet next week. 下星期冠军将迎战挑战者。
- A challenger of established authority. 向确定的权威挑战的人
- The challenger has been training hard for the big fight. 这位健将为参加拳击大赛夺魁而进行坚苦的锻炼。
- The challenger seemed to be outclassed, although he was the first to let blood. 虽然挑战者道德使对方受伤,但他似乎很容易被击败。
- The champion took up the gaunlet of the challenger. 这位冠军向挑战者应战。
- In the second round, the challenger gave up. 在第二回合中这个挑战者就放弃了。
- The challenger was dumped twice but won the fight. 这名冠军挑战者曾两次被击倒,但最后赢了比赛。
- The challenger was so outclassed that he couldn't get a single blow in. 挑战者的技术太差了,连一拳也没有击中对方。
- The champion, within striking distance, gave the challenger a severe blow. 拳王站在打击得到的距离内,给挑战者一记重击。
- When shall we see the movie Challenger? 那我们什么时候去看《挑战者》?
- The challenger outweighed the champion. 挑战者的体重重过冠军。
- The challenger decked him in the first round. 挑战者在第一个回合就把击倒。
- The challenger won the race by a head. 那位挑战者以微小优势获胜。
- The champion and the challenger meetnext week. 下星期冠军将迎战挑战者。
- He is the only challenger of this game. 他是这场比赛的唯一挑战者。
- He knocked out the challenger in the first round. 他在第一回合打败了挑战者。
- Ah.I? Ve waitting for a new challenger! 啊,我正等待着一个新的挑战者!
- The judges gave the nod to the winning challenger. 裁判们对挑战者的胜利给予确认。
- Where were you when the challenger explode d? 挑战者号爆炸的时候你在哪?