- Chaoborus lacustris 湖幽蚊
- Scirpus lacustris L. [医] 水葱
- Gomphosphaeria lacustris var. compactan. 湖泊束球藻密胞变种
- Trachelomonas lacustris var. lacustrisn. 湖生囊裸藻原变种
- Trachelomonas lacustris var. ovalisn. 湖生囊裸藻椭圆变种
- Investigations of zebra mussel, Limnoperna lacustris, infestation of bivalves in Poyang Lake 淡水壳菜对鄱阳湖区双壳类的感染状况调查
- Melanotaenia lacustrisn. 湖彩虹鱼(黑线鱼科)
- Taterillus lacustrisn. 湖沙鼠
- Schizothrix lacustrisn. 沼生裂须藻
- Tetracyclus lacustrisn. 湖沼四环藻
- Coscinodiscus lacustrisn. 湖沼圆筛藻
- Rhodomonas lacustrisn. 湖沼红胞藻
- Navicula lacustrisn. 湖沼舟形藻
- Oscillatoria lacustrisn. 湖泊颤藻
- Oocystis lacustrisn. 湖生卵囊藻
- Trachelomonas lacustrisn. 湖生囊裸藻
- Multicilia lacustrisn. 湖生多纤毛藻
- Mougeotia lacustrisn. 湖生转板藻
- Kobresia lacustrisn. 湖滨嵩草
- Gammarus lacustris sarlis 湖沼钩虾