- Charon vallis [医] 裂谷热病毒
- And whereas Pluto has an atmosphere, Charon apparently does not. 冥王星有大气层,冥卫一显然就没有。
- Pluto has a moon, Charon, half the size of the planet. 冥王星唯一的卫星卡戎,大小是冥王星的一半。
- Pluto has a moon, called Charon, which is about the size of Quaoar itself. 冥王星有一颗卫星,叫卡戎,和夸欧尔差不多大。
- In contrast, Charon's surface is far less reflective, with indistinct markings. 相对地,冥卫一表面的反射性就低很多,斑纹也不显著。
- Charon, I need you to go into that chamber and turn on the purifier. 卡戎,我需要你进入那个房间打开净水装置。
- Abstract: The final balanced state of an initial unbalanced flow is discussed with the same method as Vallis (1992). 摘 要: 利用最小能量原理讨论了非地转流经过调整后的平衡态的情况。
- The final balanced state of an initial unbalanced flow is discussed with the same method as Vallis (1992). 利用最小能量原理讨论了非地转流经过调整后的平衡态的情况。
- On the river Acheron the surly old man, Charon by name, forever ferried new arrivals across for one coin. 在阿刻戎河上,一位凶神恶煞的老汉卡戎永远在此摆渡新亡灵去冥府,船费为一个硬币。
- State media aired footage of thousands of Ahmadinejad supporters in Tehran's Valli Asr Square. 伊朗国家媒体播放了数千人在维亚里阿沙广场集会支持内贾德的画面。
- Greek mythology) a river in Hades across which the souls of the dead were carried by Charon. 希腊神话中地狱里的一条河流,传说死人会被带去那里。
- Shanghai revealed enterprises planning Limited general manager Chen Chen Eric Valli, Shanghai Jiaotong University Master of Business Administration. 上海天启企业策划有限公司陈艾立总经理 陈艾立先生,上海交通大学工商管理硕士。
- Charon transported the souls of the dead to the kingdom of the god of the dead, Pluto. 卡隆是摆渡亡灵到冥王普路托地界的神。
- Researchers also want to know why Pluto and Charon are so different in appearance. 研究人员也想要知道为什麽冥王星与冥卫一的外表会如此不同。
- This dialogue provides a fictitious account of the design of an open-network authentication system called "Charon. 这篇对话以虚构的故事讲解了一个叫“叉龙”的开放网络认证系统的设计思路。
- The ocean must expand, but it is confined beneath Charon's stiff, icy shell, so the pressure rises. 海洋必定膨胀,却被喀戎表面的冰壳限制,于是压力上升。
- That Pluto is the only true double planet in the solar system (Charon is exactly half Pluto's diameter). 因而就像一对紧密双星一般,冥王星脆弱的大气一部分很可能溢出到卡戎附近的轨道上。
- Charon, its large" moon," is only about half the size of Pluto, while all the true planets are far larger than their moons. 它的“月亮”卡戎,有冥王星的一半大,而所有真正的行星都远大于它们的“月亮”们。
- A smear of bands was observed. A genomic library of mouse embryo constructed with Charon 4A phage was screened with MS3 cDNA probe. 在供试的全部分化细胞株,即TDM_1、PSA_1-2、3/A/1-D3、C_(17)-S_1-T(284)中,均查不到MS_3RNA。
- The variety of morphology of E. charon was showed with statistical tables and charts and the possible reasons for it were that E. charon ;对其长、宽、棘毛数、背触毛列进行统计 ;做出直方图进行分析 ;并与E .