- Checkout and Maintenance Status Console 检查与维护情况控制台
- MOCAM (mobile checkout and maintenance) 流动的检查与维修
- Mobile Telecommunication Tower Engineering Checkout and Maintenance 通信铁塔安装工程检验与维护
- Make die servicing and maintenance plan and scheme. 制定模具维修、维护计划和方案。
- Repair and maintenance of machinery and equipment. 机械及设备的维修和保养;
- Door opening for services and maintenance. 活动式隔音门可进入机组内检查及维修。
- Plant operations and maintenance management. 设备设施运行与维护管理。
- Customer relationship setting-up and maintenance. 客户关系的建立和维护。
- List Management system operation and maintenance. 数据管理系统的操作和维护。
- Higher software costs and maintenance costs. 昂贵的软件价格和维护费用。
- Website design and maintenance by Kennedy Websites. 由肯尼迪网站的网站设计和维护。
- Simple, minimal setup and maintenance. 简单、最小的设置和维修.
- Download and maintenance are studied in detail. 对系统的下装与维护进行了研究与说明。
- High overheads and maintenance cost top the list. 高昂的经常性费用和保养费居首位
- Mobile Checkout and Maintenance 流动检查与维修
- Easy for operation and maintenance. 操作简单,维修容易。
- Polling and maintenance of fire fighting equipment. 消防设备的巡检及维护保养。
- Checkout and Maintenance 检查及维修
- Interrupts which can be generated within some processors, and are caused by programming errors, special instructions, and maintenance features. 某些处理机可能产生的一些中断,这些中断是由于程序设计错误、特殊指令或维护功能部件所引起的。
- A simple online bookstore system, can achieve query book, purchase, checkout and other functions. 简单的网上书店系统,可以实现书的查询,购买,结账等功能。