- Chew with your mouth shut! 嚼东西的时候要闭上嘴巴!
- Never chew with your mouth wide open. 第三条:别张着嘴巴大嚼食物。
- It is rude to chew with your mouth open. 张著嘴巴咀嚼食物是没礼貌的。
- Don't make sounds while eating soup, or chew with your mouth open. 不要在喝汤的时候发出声音,不要张着嘴嚼东西。
- Christie, don't interrupt your sister when she's talking and please chew with your mouth closed,@ said their father. 她们的父亲说:“克莉丝缇,姐姐讲话的时候不要插嘴,还有,吃东西的时候请把嘴闭起来。”
- "Christie, don't interrupt your sister when she's talking and please chew with your mouth closed," said their father. 她们的父亲说:“克莉丝缇,姐姐讲话的时候不要插嘴,还有,吃东西的时候请把嘴闭起来。”
- Don't talk with your mouth full. 嘴里有东西时不要说话。
- When your heart is full, keep your mouth shut also. 在你心满意足的时候,千万不要声张。
- Just keep your dauber up and your mouth shut. 打起精神, 闭住嘴。
- Sleep with your windows open but with your mouth shut 要打开窗户闭上嘴巴睡觉
- You don't know the facts, so keep your mouth shut! 你不了解情况, 别多嘴!
- Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. 少说话,多观察。(谚)
- Keep your mouth shut and your ears open. [谚]少说为佳,多听为妙。
- If you keep your mouth shut you will never put your foot in it. 假使你不开口就决不会说错话了。
- You should not speak with your mouth full. 嘴塞满食物时你不该说话。
- It is bad manners to speak with your mouth full. 满嘴食物时讲话是没礼貌的。
- Now she's upset,why couldn't you keep your mouth shut? 瞧她现在心烦意乱的样子,你就不能闭上嘴?
- You scare them to death with your mouth. 你一开口就能把人吓死。
- He said in a frightening voice,"Keep your mouth shut! 他用令人害怕的声音说:"闭上你的嘴!"(他的声音令别人害怕)
- Hereafter, you keep your mouth shut until you're spoken to. 今后,等别人跟你说话时你再开口。