- The ancient Chinese writer Szuma Chien said, "Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. 不管是什么人,谁向我们指出都行。只要你说得对,我们就改正。你说的办法对人民有好处,我们就照你的办。
- Chou Erh-chieh and Chien Chiaolin? 周二姐和钱巧林么?
- "Chien Pao-sheng's a wily old bird, you know. “钱葆生也刁得很。
- Chief watchdogs of tyranny in the Northeast were skilled SS operators trained by Tai Li, dead but not forgotten chief of Chiang Kai-shek's gestapo. 国民党在东北的特务机关主要由戴笠系统的人员掌握。戴笠是蒋介石的秘密警察头子,人虽已死,淫威犹存。
- "Sling Chien Pao-sheng out, as well! “叫钱葆生也滚出去!
- Such was the view of Chiang Kai-shek and company. 这是蒋介石等人的意见。
- Qui veut noyer son chien l'accuse de la rage. 欲加之罪,何患无词。
- They also disapprove of Chiang Kai-shek's policies. 他们也不赞成蒋介石的政策。
- His death is weightier than Mount Tai. 他的死比泰山还重。
- Winston WC Sun, YW Chien, SH Lin , HR Lee, 2001. 蔡政谕,林永和,郑佾琪,李韦廷,刘又嘉,姜蔼伦,魏锦祥,蔡蕙芸,林士祥。
- Chiang Kai-shek was never able to unify China. 蒋介石就从来没有统一过中国。
- Mount Tai can be seen dimly in the morning mist. 泰山在晨雾中依稀可见。
- Chien immerses himself in a book. 下图:钱次长酷爱阅读,几十年来从未改变。
- The Reds had captured a few Chiang's airplanes. 红军缴获了少数几架蒋介石的飞机。
- Have you ever mounted Mount Tai? 你登过泰山吗?
- Chiang Kai-Shek tours the National Palace Museum. 蒋公巡视故宫博物院。
- Equally mounts like a pearl in beautiful Tai Lake. 像一颗明珠一样镶嵌在美丽的太湖中。
- This picture shows the Chang Chiang Naval Battle. 本图显示长江海战情形。
- Here , Gao Zi Tai means a magnanimous attitude. 所以“高姿态”就是原谅、宽容别人。
- When did Chiang Kai-shek Become the "President"? 蒋介石是哪一年做"总统"的?