- Chief Information Officer CIO 首席信息官CIO
- In information age, CIO is the chief information officer in the enterprise, his status is more and more important. 信息时代里,CIO作为企业的首席信息主管,在企业中的地位逐渐上升。
- CIO is the abbreviation of Chief Information Officer, which was a newmanagement position coming from government and enterprise of western country in1980's. 而CIO(Chief Information Officer)即首席信息主管,是20 世纪80 年代在西方发达国家的政府部门以及企业中相继出现的一个引人注目的管理新职位。
- We are willing to be your CIO (Chief Information Officer), who provides the professional services for your company's development and E-business transformation. 我们愿意成为您企业的CIO(首席信息技术执行官),将为您企业的发展与信息化需求提供专业服务!
- The author thinks that the role of CIO has changed twice since 1970s,the first change is from the chief technology officer to the chief information officer, and the second is from the chief information officer to the chief knowledge officer. 认为CIO自20世纪70年代以来先后经历过两次大的角色转变,第一次是从技术主管转向信息主管,第二次是从信息主管转向知识主管。
- The concepts such as CIO (Chief Information Officer), CKO (Chief Knowledge Officer) and the related management ideas has brought new thoughts into the study of Information Management and New Knowledge economy studies . 信息主管CIO(Chief Information officer)、知识主管CKO(Chief Knowledge Officer) 等概念及相应的管理理念给信息管理研究领域及新知识经济研究带来了新的思想。
- This paper details a longitudinal interpretative field study of an information technology (IT) organization in which a new chief information officer (CIO) implemented a major organizational redesign. 本文详细探讨了一个IT组织的解释性实地研究案例。在这个组织中,一位新的首席信息官进行了对组织的重新设计。
- This article analyzes the status quo of the health informationization development in China and puts forward the necessity of creating a position of chief information officers(CIO) in the health information agencies and institutions and his/her duty. 分析了我国医疗卫生信息化建设的现状,提出了在我国医疗卫生信息机构设立信息主管(CIO)的必要性及其职责。
- "Our goal is to make our customers more competitive," says Laxman Badiga, Wipro's chief information officer. 郭台铭股票信讬主要有二大类用途,第一,是要分年赠送股利、股息给子女,依鸿海的成长性,郭台铭采取信讬股票的方式可以节省不少赠与税;
- One of my responsibilities as Chief Information Officer is to ensure that information security is not to be compromised. 资讯总监的职责是确保资料不会外泄或被滥用。
- Recent research has shown that businesses are demanding that their Chief Information Officer's (CIOs) drive more value from their IT. 最近的研究表明,企业所要求的,他们的首席信息官( CIO们)驱动更多的价值,从他们的。
- In business organizations, CKO is often in the senior executive's position of a company-a position higher than Chief Information Officer. 具备远大目光,领导才能,及专业知识的图书馆员及信息专家应该是最适合擔任主要知识官员职位的。
- Under the delegated authority of the Secretary for the Financial Services and the Treasury, the Government Chief Information Officer approves computer projects of this category. 政府资讯科技总监可根据财经事务及库务局局长转授的权力,批准该类别的电脑化计划。
- Information Resources Management College of National Defense University.The Chief Information Officer Certificate Program.http://www.ndu.edu/innc/programs/cio.html. 陈庄;刘加伶等.;信息资源组织与管理[M]
- To address these issues, Yashiro hired his former colleague Dhananjaya “Jay” Dvivedi, who had led IT operations at Citibank Japan, to be chief information officer. 但是更多情况并不是,(业务)管理者们牺牲了一些原本业务的特质的,最有竞争力的部分。
- Starbucks Chief Information Officer Chris Bruzzo says the company handles most of its own computing, but is considering running pieces of its business on other companies' clouds. 接下来就是效率:这些服务器互相连接在一起,看上去就像是一台单独的巨大的机器,所以那些计算任务无论巨细都可以比以前运行得更快、更廉价。
- How to Train the Chief Information Officer(CIO) in the Enterprise in China 浅析我国企业首席信息官(CIO)的培养问题
- He has held senior positions in several media organizations and was the founder of a weekly recruitment advertising magazine.He has also held the position of Chief Information Officer of the ICAC. 他曾于多家传媒机构担任要职,并为一份招聘广告周刊的创办人,曾出任总督特派廉政专员公署总新闻主任一职。
- The Establishment of CIO (Chief Information Officer) Post and the Construction of the Information Institution in Enterprise 企业CIO职位的设立与信息机构的建设
- Together with the required supporting documents and information, to the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer OGCIO addressing the Supplier Liaison Manager, Professional Services. 连同所需的证明文件及资料一并交回政府资讯科技总监办公室。收件人请注明为资讯科技专业服务供应商联络经理。