- The relationship between China and Kazakhstan is intensifying. 中哈两国的友谊正在不断加强。
- The active factor: First, China and Kazakhstan have geoeconomic advantage and certain mutual supplement. 从积极因素来看:首先,中哈存在地缘经济上的优势和一定的互补性。
- In January 2002, Chinese Ministry of National Defense and the National Security Commission of Kazakhstan signed the Frontier Defense Cooperation Agreement Between China and Kazakhstan. 2002年1月,中国国防部与哈萨克斯坦民族安全委员会签署了《中哈边防合作协议》。
- In January 2002,Chinese Ministry of National Defense and the National Security Commission of Kazakhstan signed the Frontier Defense Cooperation Agreement Between China and Kazakhstan. 2002年1月,中国国防部与哈萨克斯坦民族安全委员会签署了《中哈边防合作协议》。
- relationship between China and Kazakhstan 中哈关系
- My journey to China took me through India, Nepal, and Kazakhstan. 我的中国之旅让我穿过了印度,尼泊尔和哈萨克斯坦。
- The foreigner came to China and attended the Fair. 外国朋友来华参加交易会。
- A Review of the Strategic Partner Relationship Between China and Kazakhstan 中国与哈萨克斯坦战略伙伴关系述评
- Editors from China and Canada have tried to find a new way of co-operation. 在这种情况下,中加双方的编辑们力求寻找一种新的合作方法。
- Be in China and face (cater to) the world. 立足中国,面向全世界。
- On Peaceful Transnational Settlement of Kazakh Transnational Ethnicity between China and Kazakhstan 论中哈两国哈萨克跨国民族的和平跨居
- It enjoys a high reputation in China and abroad. 它在国内外享有盛名。
- I was born in China and brought up in the USA. 我出生在中国,在美国长大。
- I believe China and its people will welcome you. 我相信中国及中国人民会欢迎你的。
- What do you think of China and its people? 你觉得中国及中国人怎样?
- A war broke out between China and Japan. 中、日两国(当时)爆发了战争。
- EPA is a Key Journal in China and embodied by CA. 本刊是中文核心期刊、A收录期刊。
- At the two nations'request,China issued a statement providing security guarantees to Ukraine and Kazakhstan. 中国还应乌克兰、哈萨克斯坦的请求,发表了关于中国向两国提供安全保证的声明。
- China and Finland are friendly countries. 中国和芬兰是友好的国家。
- Russia and Kazakhstan require energy ratings as part of their energy codes. 俄罗斯和塔吉克斯坦要求将能效分级作为其国家能源法令的一部分。