- China Glass Holdings Limited 中国玻璃控股有限公司;简称中国玻璃
- Xinyi Glass Holdings Limited 信义玻璃控股有限公司,简称信义玻璃
- China Aviation Investment Holdings Limited and the issuer does not exist in any relationship. 中航投资控股有限公司与发行人不存在任何关联关系。
- Zhanjiang Chenming is part of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited, one of the biggest paper producers in China. 张江晨鸣是山东晨鸣控股公司的子公司,是中国最大的纸张生产商之一。
- Weihai Blue Star Glass Holding Co., Ltd. 威海蓝星玻璃股份有限公司。
- Headquartered in Shanghai, VSC-Ryerson China represents the joint venture between Van Shung Chong Holdings Limited(VSC) and Ryerson Inc. 万顺昌公司成立于1961年,1994年在香港上市,在发展迅猛的中国工业材料和建筑材料市场中处于领导地位。
- Plenipotentiaries on the Far East International Investment Holdings Limited in China's commercial work to expand the field of management. 全权代表远东国际投资控股有限公司对在中国的商业领域的管理拓展工作。
- Welcome to Ao shi glasses hold on please! 您好!欢迎致电温州奥视眼镜有限公司,请稍后!
- VSC-Ryerson China Limited, founded in Oct. 2006, headquartered in Hong Kong, It is a joint venture company formed by Van Shung Chong Holdings Limited and Ryerson Inc. 万顺昌瑞尔盛中国有限公司成立于2006年10月,是由万顺昌集团有限公司和瑞尔盛有限公司共同投资成立的合资企业,总部位于香港。
- As the most famous company in China glass machine field, Wedo supplys the most complete glass processing solutions for the world customers. 公司位于中国中空玻璃设备加工中心城市济南市,通过专业化生产来提高公司的核心竞争力。
- Imps are small demons that hold limited arcane power. 小鬼是一种拥有一点点奥术能力的恶魔。
- VSC-Ryerson China Limited, founded in Oct. 26, 2006, headquartered in Shanghai, It is a joint venture company formed by Van Shung Chong Holdings Limited and Ryerson Inc. 万顺昌瑞尔盛中国有限公司成立于2006年10月26日,是由万顺昌集团有限公司和瑞尔盛有限公司共同投资成立的合资企业,总部位于上海。
- The crude reds and greens and blues of that coloured glass held us there. 彩色玻璃天然的红色、绿色、蓝色把我们吸引在那里。
- Taicang Pilkington China Glass Special Glass Ltd. (TPCG) is a joint venture, special glass manufacturing operation between two large, leading glass manufacturers. 太仓中玻皮尔金顿特种玻璃有限公司是由两家大型的在玻璃制造业中处于领头羊地位的公司联合投资的合资企业。
- Nanjing Hexi New Town State-owned Assets Management Group Holdings Limited. 南京河西国有资产经营控股(集团)有限责任公司。
- Freda security film and its creation of the China Glass security industry, all business to be done immeasurable future, is your best the world display their talents. 福瑞达安全膜和其创立的中国玻璃安全防护产业,百业待举前程无量,是您施展才华的最佳天地。
- In 2004, the company began to set up a manufacturing facility in China;till 2007, the company investor changed into Ocean link technology holdings limited not Juniper Circuits, by HK property. 2004年,在中国大陆设立厂房,2007年,公司投资方更改为海讯科技集团有限公司,属港资。
- BROS Holding Limited is a producer of top-dyed melange yarn. 百隆集团有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售混色花纱的专业集团公司。
- The heart of woman is a glass holding water. It is full but seems to havenothing inside. 女人心是只盛水的玻璃瓶,明明已经装的满满的,却又似乎什么都没有。