- China Resources Land Limited 华润置地有限公司,简称华润置地
- At present, Guiyang, China Resources Land Development project level some progress has been made. 目前,华润贵阳一级土地开发项目已取得一定进展。
- The Bund Side China Resources Land (Shanghai) Limited 上海滩花园华润置地(上海)有限公司
- China Resources Peoples Telephone Co. 华润万众电话。
- Heilongjiang China Resources Alcohol Co. 黑龙江华润酒精有限公司。
- Acting Hong Kong China Resources afterburner senior lubricants. 代理香港华润加力高级润滑油.
- A remainder is an estate in land limited to take effect in possession on the determination of all the preceding estates. 剩余地产权是指在所有的前位地产权终结之后所发生占有效力的地产权
- We have very good connections with the China Resources Shipping and Storage Co. Ltd. in Hongkong. 我们和香港华润运输仓储有限公司关系很好。
- This would leave China Resources Huayuan why the ferries, Yaozhuoxiaoshanban, to find their own course? 为什么华远宁愿离开华润这条大船,摇着小舢板,自己去找寻航向?
- Rather, Agni see real gold, a stronger credibility of China Resources Group, a higher credit rating. 相反,烈火见真金,华润集团的信誉更强了,信用评级更高了。”
- Under the brand name "China Resources" paint "love" decoration paint century, "Pearl" and "Sistine" and other best-selling products throughout China. 旗下品牌“华润”涂料、“爱的”装修漆、“世纪明珠”、“西斯廷”等产品畅销神州大地。
- China Resources Enterprise, Limited 华润创业有限公司,简称华润创业
- Expect landing limits within one hour due to weather. 预期在一小时内限制降落,因天气。天气迅速变坏。
- China Resources Beijing branch is home to the star event, described as "the first hard American Sanyuanqiao apartments, CBD, the private garden. 更是华润置地北京分公司的明星楼盘,被描述为“三元桥头精装美式公寓,CBD中的私家园林”。
- Carrefour, 100, Hong Cheng, China Resources Vanguard, Jia-sheng, Jusco supermarkets, and so on for the time being not to the Heinz shelves. 家乐福、百佳、宏城、华润万家、胜佳、吉之岛等超市就暂时未对亨氏下架。
- China Resources Power Holdings Company Limited 华润电力控股有限公司,简称华润电力
- The beautiful and resourceful“ Land of Abundance” has become a hot spot for investors and possesses unlimited business opportunities, demonstrating even greater vigor and vitality. 美丽富饶的“天府之国”已经成为一片投资兴业的“热土”,蕴藏着无限商机,迸发出更加旺盛的生机与活力。
- Any requests for access to or correction of the data can be made to Senior EIS Manager, 17/F China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. 若阁下须查询或更改阁下之个人资料,可向高级展览讯息服务经理提出,地址为香港湾仔港湾道26号华润大厦17楼。
- But the addition as population, existent need, the northeast area with fecund, resourceful land is broken through stage by stage ban, socioeconomy still is developing adagio with its peculiar way. 但随着人口的增加,生存的需要,土地肥沃、资源丰富的东北地区逐步冲破封禁,社会经济仍以它特有的方式缓慢地发展着。