- China Youth Daily Green Net 中国青年报绿网
- China Youth Daily: Could you use one word to sum up in 2008 in China. 中国青年报:请您用一个词来概括2008年的中国。
- China Youth Daily reported that the site was forced to close for maintenance due to unusually high traffic. 据中国青年报报道,由于登陆报名系统的人太多,国家公务员报名网站不得不暂停运转,进行系统维护。
- The China Youth Daily and Sina.com survey found interviewees questioned how the rich became rich in the first place. 中国青年报和新浪网调查发现,接受采访的人提及富人在最初的时候是如何变富裕的。
- The China Youth Daily called the coercion a“ shocking disgrace” that exposed officials' failure to enforce labor laws. 中国青年报》称强迫劳工事件是“令人震惊的耻辱”,揭示了人民公仆对劳动法的冷漠执法。
- The latest online survey, carried out by China Youth Daily and www. Qq. Com, found that more than 73 per cent of young people want to work as civil servants. 中国青年报和腾讯网联合开展的一项最新在线调查显示,73%25以上的年轻人愿意当公务员。
- The afternoon of Sept. 24, China Youth Daily reporter arrived at the Nanjing Brain hospital emergency room, King Tak is a high Dadian Di, medical doctors on diagnosis is traumatic brain injury. 9月24日下午,中国青年报记者赶到南京市脑科医院急诊室,高敬德正在打点滴,病历上医生诊断是脑外伤。
- FAW-VW Audi sales chief Mr. Werner Paul Eichhorn announced Audi's Diesel promotino plan at the kick-off ceremony of "Audi Green Olympic Campaign".(China Youth Daily) 日前,一汽-大众奥迪销售事业部总经理安世豪,在奥迪绿色奥运计划启动仪式上公布了奥迪的柴油车推广计划。(中国青年报)
- China youth daily comment New 中国青年报评论:又刮来一阵反腐的风
- China Youth Daily 中国青年报
- Produced by the China Youth Art Theatre,it has won wide popularity. 中国青年艺术剧院演出,受到普遍欢迎。
- Shanghai Youth Daily reports the China Central Television host openly talked about his depression and referred to his doctors on his personal blog. 上海青年报报道说:中央电视台公开讨论崔永元的抑郁症,还谈到了崔永元网络日志中的医生。
- The results show: The green net piece has the greatest block affect on Tilapia, blueish-grey second,red and yellow third,and blue the lowest. 结果表明:绿色网片对罗非鱼的阻拦作用最大,青灰色网片次之,红、黄色网片再次,蓝色网片最小。
- His numerous performances in Asia have included appearances in radio music programs, and Youth Daily has called him "China's most promising young Jazz musician". 在亚洲的多次演出期间,他获得了许多在国内电台音乐栏目和杂志上曝光的机会,并被青年报称为“中国最有前途的年轻爵士乐家”。
- My name is Wang Hai. I am the guide from China Youth Travel Service. 我的名字叫王海,我是中国青年旅行社的导游。
- The China Youth Development Foundation initiated "Project Hope" in 1989. 1989年,中国青年发展基金会倡导建立了"希望工程"。
- One is from the People's Daily,the other is the Beijing Daily and the third is the Beijing Youth Daily. 一方面是从《人民日报》,另一方面是从《北京日报》,再就是从《北京青年报》见到篮球赛的新闻。
- One is from the People's Daily, the other is the Beijing Daily and the third is the Beijing Youth Daily. 一方面是从《人民日报》,另一方面是从《北京日报》,再就是从《北京青年报》见到篮球赛的新闻。
- TACC,Russia National TV,HTB TV,“Country and World” of Kazakhstan,Pakistan National TV,India Press Trust,Xinhua News Agency,People's Daily,China Youth and CCTV made reports on “Neighbors” shooting team. 塔斯社、俄国家电视台、HTB电视台、哈萨克斯坦《国家与世界》、巴基斯坦国家电视台、印度报业托拉斯、新华社、人民日报、环球时报、光明日报、中国青年报、中央电视台等先后报道《睦邻》摄影队。
- According to the Beijing Youth Daily, up to 10 more pandas would be brought in from Wolong, the world's most successful panda breeding centre located in southwest China's Sichuan province. 据北京青年报报道,北京动物园将从卧龙引进10只以上大熊猫。卧龙中心位于中国四川西南部,是世界上熊猫繁殖最为成功的基地。