- Shear wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle in western China and its adjacent area 中国西部及其邻域地壳上地幔横波速度结构
- Magnitude Characteristics and Mechanical Explanation of Two Strong Earthquake Sequences Occurred in the West of China and Its Adjacent Area 西部及邻区两次强震序列的震级特征及其力学解释
- Researches on the Influence of Pollution Emission on Tropospheric Ozone Variation and Radiation over China and Its Adjacent Area 中国及邻近地区污染排放对对流层臭氧变化与辐射影响的研究
- China and its adjacent area 中国及邻区
- Cretaceous: A key transition period of the plate tectonic evolution in China and its adjacent areas 白垩纪:中国及邻区板块构造演化的一个重要变换期
- The structure evolution and the earth dynamics mechanism of Chagan sag and its adjacent area during Miocene-Cenozoic. 在变质核杂岩隆升的同时,查干凹陷发生伸展断陷。
- No person that enters into the forest and its adjacent area shall,without authorization,remove or damage marks that serve the forestry sector. 进入森林和森林边缘地区的人员,不得擅自移动或者损坏为林业服务的标志。
- No person that enters into the forest and its adjacent area shall, without authorization, remove or damage marks that serve the forestry sector. 进入森林和森林边缘地区的人员,不得擅自移动或者损坏为林业服务的标志。
- CHENG Shi-nan. 1995. Tectonic stress distribution of Taiwan and its adjacent area [D].Ph D thesis.Central University, Chungli. 郑士楠.;1995
- The IAP-AGCM was applied to study the climatic significance of the anomalous sea surface temperature (SST) in the South China Sea (SCS) and its adjacent areas. 南海及邻近海域表层海温(SST)异常的气候意义可以通过IAP-AGCM的数值模拟得到反映。
- Commission of Earthquake Division, State Seismological Bureau. 1991. Focal Mechanisms and Interpretation in China and Its Adjacent Areas. Beijing: Seismological Press. 国家地震局中国地震区划图编委会.;1991
- XIE Ming-qian.Convergence plate tectonics and its genetic mechanism-geotectonic evolution of the northeastern China and adjacent areas[M].Beijing:Science Press,2000:137-150. [7]谢鸣谦.;拼贴板块构造及其驱动机理-中国东北及邻区的大地构造演化[M]
- This set of postcards portray the Sai Kung peninsula and its adjacent areas. 这套明信片描述西贡半岛及其邻近的景致。
- The effect of interface undulations on the geoid in China and its adjacent regions is calculated on the basis of the average density differences of the interfaces in this paper. 结合中国及邻区的数据,利用界面上下的平均密度差,计算了物质界面起伏对大地水准面的影响,发现莫霍界面的影响占地形质量影响的70%25左右,验证了均衡补偿理论。
- the offshore area of China and its adjacent ocean 近海和邻近海
- Yinggehai basin and Qiongdongnan basin (Yanan sag and its adjacent area) are the reliable areas where nature gas reserves can contine increasing in the future. 莺歌海、琼东南盆地(崖南凹陷及其相邻地区)是未来天然气储量持续增长的现实地区;
- The Ordos basin and its adjacent areas were in an extensional tectonic setting in the Mesoproterozoic when the ultra-thick marine Jixian system was deposited in the study area. 摘要鄂尔多斯盆地及邻区中元古代整体处于地壳伸展的构造背景,沉积了巨厚的中元古界蓟县系海相地层。
- The Western Liaoning and its adjacent areas, tectonically belonging to the inland area of the outer circum-Pacific tectonic belt, are developed with a lot of Mesozoic basins. 摘要辽宁及其毗邻地区大地构造位置隶属于环太平洋构造带外带内陆区,该区分布有为数众多的中生代盆地。
- I believe China and its people will welcome you. 我相信中国及中国人民会欢迎你的。
- What do you think of China and its people? 你觉得中国及中国人怎样?