- In the past 20 years ,china develop at high rapid. 在过去的20年中,中国一直高速向前发展。
- This is an important task of the Western China Development Office. 这是今年西部开发办的一项重要工作。
- Construction Project of Beijing East China Development Ltd. 北京华东开发有限公司建设项目。
- For WWF letter to the China Development Bank, please go to. 浏览世界自然基金会致中国发展银行的信函。
- Tax policy and strategy of west China development II. 西部大开发战略与税收政策研究2。
- They are China Development Bank (CDB) and China Exim Bank. 进出口银行的政策我是看到过的,很简单的一页纸。
- This year substantive step must be made so that western China and middle part of China development can have a good start. 西部开发今年就要迈出实质性步伐,为加快中西部发展开好头,起好步。
- China develops faster than any other country in Asia. 中国比亚洲任何国家都发展得更快。
- China Development Brief has been ordered to cease publication pending the results of an investigation into its activities. 中国发展简报被要求在对它的活动的调查未出结果前停止出版发行。
- The policy of financial transfer payment on the in Western China development project. 继续推进西部大开发战略的财政转移支付政策。
- III. Direction of formulating policy and measures for western China development. 三、研究制定西部开发政策措施的方向
- Antipoverty actions are very important and urgent in the course of China development. 摘要贫困地区的发展问题是全面建设小康社会进程中十分重要和紧迫的问题。
- China Development Bank (CDB) formally began business as a joint stock company on Tuesday. 中国光大集团:高管洗牌,为上市铺路。
- Painting show in Yokohama, on the invitation of China Development Association of Yokohama in Japan. 同年应日本横滨中华发展会的邀请,绘画作品在横滨展览。
- China Development FHC ranks first in risk analysis, and Fuhwa FHC ranks last in risk analysis. 风险评估以开发金表现最佳,复华金表现最差。
- At present,all related organizations of the State Council are formulating policies and measures,which can help western China development. 目前,国务院各有关部门正在研究制定有利于促进西部开发的政策措施。
- After investigations and interviews lasting around three hours, they ordered the Chinese edition of China Development Brief to cease publication forthwith. 经过大约3小时的调查和谈话后,他们要求中国发展简报中文刊立即停止发行。
- To help China develop the technicalmeans to prevent environmental degradation, even while maintaining economic growth. 帮助中国发展阻止环境恶化的技术并保持经济增长。
- Shaanxi as bridgehead in West China Development is being confirmed through convenient and safety integrated transportation system. 交通陕西省在西部大开发中的“桥头堡”地位,正通过四通八达、安全便捷的综合运输体系进一步确立。