- Chinese Astronomical Society, CAS 中国天文学会
- Chinese Astronomical Society 中国天文学会
- For Joint School Astronomical Society. 联校天文协会的讲座。
- He was an expert on ancient Chinese astronomical literature. 他是研究中国古代天文学文献的专家。
- They presented research at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society. 他们在美国的天体学会的一个会议上介绍了他们的研究。
- This result is published in the issue of June 25, 2007 of Publication of Astronomical Society of Japan. 这一成果刊登在发行2007年6月25日出版的天文学学会的日本.
- Zhao Yongheng: Professor, National Astronomical Observatories, CAS, Beijing 100012;Director, Chinese Astronomical Data Center of World Date Center. 赵永恒:研究员,中国科学院国家天文台,北京100012;世界数据中心中国天文学科中心主任。
- Peter Bond, spokesman for the Royal Astronomical Society, said Terence's safety was not guaranteed. 皇家天文学会的发言人彼得·邦德说特伦斯安全没有得到保证。
- The team presented the images at the June meeting of the American Astronomical Society. 这个团队于6月在美国天文学会的会议中发表这些照片。
- That's what U.C.L.A.’s Michael Jura said at the American Astronomical Society meeting January 5th. 这是加州大学洛杉矶分校的迈克尔汝拉在1月5日的美国天文学会会议上发表的。
- The results appear in the March 1st edition of the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 此观测结果发表在了3月1日的天文学协会评论月刊上。
- "There's nothing greater than a solar eclipse," said Sammy Grech, who had travelled all the way from Malta, where he heads the astronomical society. “遗憾的是,万物都已寂寥,”天文爱好者奥马尔先生说道。他率领旅游团从马来西亚来到这里看日食。
- The new research was detailed in a paper presented at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Austin, Texas, last week. 这项新研究详细地记录在一篇论文中,该论文提交到美国天文学会在得克萨斯州奥斯汀举行的一次会议上。
- Member AAAS, American Geophysical Union, , COSPAR European Geophysical Union, Hellenic Astronomical Society, LAMPF users group. AAAS成员,美国地球物理协会,COSPAR欧洲地球物理协会,希腊天文协会,LAMPF用户组织。
- Of this restlessness Arab and Chinese astronomers were aware. 阿拉伯和中国的天文学家了解这一烦躁不安的缘由。
- They were to announce their discovery Monday in Birmingham, Ala., at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society's division of planetary sciences. 他们周一在阿拉巴马州伯明罕的美国天文学会行星科学分会的一次会议上公布了他们的发现。
- The factory has worked together with Guildford Astronomical Society, and gotten the patent of the Night Sky globe in more than 16 countries of Europe. 单金属支架--金色。制造厂与Guildford天文学会合作,并取得了欧洲16多个国家生产夜空地球仪的专利。
- Hamilton, a professor at the University of Maryland, received the 1999 Urey Prize of the American Astronomical Society for his studies of the celestial mechanics of dust. 汉密尔顿现在是马里兰大学教授,因为研究尘埃的天体力学,获得美国天文学会1999年的尤瑞奖。
- This year's Orionid meteor shower will peak between the hours of midnight and dawn on the morning of October 21, according to the Astronomical Society of Guangdong. 据广东天文学会预告,今年猎户座流星雨高峰期将发生在21日午夜及黎明时分。
- Chinese astronomers were among the first to record observations of a supernova. 中国的天文学家是最早观察到超新星的学者之一。