- Fourthly, the ancient Chinese Buddhist art engraving art of Asia and the world impact. 第四,中国古代雕版佛画对亚洲及世界美术的影响。
- Chinese Buddhist art 中国佛教美术
- The traditional chinese Buddhist sutra c. 国语佛经传统课诵系列。
- It is a splendid treasure of Buddhist art. 它成为佛教艺术最为灿烂的宝库。
- She has also researched Central Asian Buddhist art and its impact on Chinese art of the Nanbeichao period. 中亚佛教艺术及其对于中国南北朝艺术的影响。
- After Buddhism spread into China, octagonal stupa was widely used by Chinese bonzes and exerted profound influence upon the Buddhist art in China. 佛教入华后,八面体佛塔被中国僧人广为利用,对中国佛教艺术产生了深远的影响。
- In Chinese Buddhism, the lotus became a symbol of purity. 在中国佛教中,莲花成为纯洁的象征。
- The it"s the history culture bearing the weight of gene is that Chinese Buddhism statue factualism peak period, art characteristic are obvious. 其承载的历史文化基因是中国佛教造像写实主义的高峰时期,艺术特征明显。
- Second, the Buddhist woodblock paintings of Buddhist art development. 第二,雕版佛画对佛教美术发展的影响。
- This temple occupies a special position in Chinese Buddhist architecture. 该寺院在中国佛教建筑中占有特殊位置。
- Tibetan Buddhist art is an important part of China Tibetan arts. 藏传佛教艺术是西藏艺术中的重要部分。
- According to archaeologists, it is the greatest and most consummate repository of Buddhist art in the world. 根据考古,这是世界上最伟大和最完美的佛教艺术知识库。
- Of the various characteristics of Chinese Buddhist humanism, perfect syncretism is a unique feature. 中国佛教人文精神有颇多特征,其中圆融性独具一格。
- Figured Stele is a very popular form in the folk Buddhist art i n the Northern Dynasties. 造像碑是北朝盛行的一种民间佛教造像形式。
- I-tsing, a Chinese Buddhist pilgrim en route for India, called at Sumatra in 671 and mentioned two states: Malayu (near present-day Jambi) and Srivijaya. 671年,一位名叫艾青的中国佛陀朝圣者,在去印度的途中在苏门答腊作了停留,他提到两个国家:摩罗游(今占碑附近)和室利佛逝。
- Buddhist art beautifully expresses these two graces as the ultimate achievements of human existence. 佛教艺术完美地诠释了这两种感情,并把它们作为人类存在所能取得的最高成就。
- As for Chinese Buddhism, the understanding and interpretation of Indian Buddhist sutra is nearly a kind of cultural "grafting". 中国佛学对印度佛典的理解与解释近乎一种文化"嫁接"。
- The Mogao Caves, hewn from a desert Cliffside, tell the story of the great flowering of Buddhist art in China. 莫高窟是在一个沙漠的悬崖边上开辟出来的,它讲述了佛教艺术在中国兴旺发达的故事。
- Chinese Buddhism, focusing on death, offers the richest theory of death in Chinese history of ideology. 中国佛教是中国思想史上死亡理论最丰富的学说体系。
- Sitting on top of the hill on Jade Island, the famous White Dagoba is a 16th century masterpiece of Buddhist art. 座落子琼华岛的山顶上的白塔是16世纪杰出的佛教艺术形式的建筑。