- Her love for Chinese dance led to her unremitting efforts. 这爱促使她在创作中不懈地追求中国舞蹈的神韵,
- Chinese dance candidates please wear leotards and dance shoes. 中国舞考生须穿著贴身舞衣及舞鞋。
- Development of the modern Chinese dance has followed a long and tortuous road. 现代舞在中国有着宽泛的定义和曲折的发展过程。
- The brilliant culture of Chinese dance found its root in the depths of history. 灿烂的中华舞蹈文化,源远流长。
- It actually formed the mainstream of Chinese dance in a long period. 而且事实上在很长一段历史时期内居于我国乐舞的主流地位,
- His performance fully displayed the infinite glamor of Chinese dance. 他的表演充分展示了中华舞蹈的无穷魅力。
- Pan Jianhua, Chinese Dance teacher, is demonstrating the dance steps for the students. 中国舞专业教师潘建华为学生示范舞蹈动作。
- Experience the latest in US college radio, Chinese dance tracks or Swedish metal. 体验最新的美国校园广播,中国风舞曲,或瑞典金属音乐。
- Yet it is also easy to discover that Chinese dance is actually an integral body with common spirits and views. 但也不难发现,中国舞蹈是一个整体,有着共通的神韵和风貌
- As an independent art form, Chinese dance declined in the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. 作为一门独立的表演艺术,中国舞蹈发展到明(1386-1644)、清(1644-1911)呈衰落趋势
- As an independent art.form, Chinese dance declined in the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. 作为一门独立的表演艺术,中国舞蹈发展到明(1386-1644)、清(1644-1911)呈衰落趋势
- YunNanYinXiang is the Chinese Ethnic Dance Drama pers by Chinese Dance artists ,YangLiPing.... 云南印象杨丽萍Peacock YangLiPing Yang 孔雀舞雀之灵Li Ping Dance ...
- Cultural courses: Chinese Painting, Calligraphy, Chinese Knotting, Chinese Dance, and more. 文化课程: 国画, 书法, 中国结, 民族舞蹈, 及其他多项文化课。
- Divine Performing Arts presents classical Chinese dance and music in a lavishly colorful and exhilarating show. 叹为观止的动画天幕,时而百花齐放有如仙境、时而远古宫殿庄严再现,将您带入另一个世界。
- The "Yayue"(elegant music) system established in the early Western Zhou Dynasty was a milestone marking maturity of the Chinese dance culture. 西周初年制定的雅乐体系,便是我国乐舞文化进入成熟期的里程碑。
- Though Jia Zuoguang came after Wu Xiaobang and Dai ailian, his creative contributions rank him among the pioneers of new Chinese dance. 贾作光的舞蹈生涯虽然比吴晓邦、戴爱莲晚一茬,但他的开拓性贡献,使其无愧于跻身先驱者的行列。
- After Chinese dance entered the civilized society from the primitive times, its development accelerated and got matured quickly. 中国舞蹈在走出蛮荒,进入文明社会以后,便加快了发展步伐,很快就趋向成熟。
- Those rookie dancers in the experimental modern dance class have passed rounds of strict tests with their solid skills in ballet and Chinese dance. 那些经过严格选拔进入实验现代舞培训班的"新兵"具有扎实的芭蕾或中国舞的功底,
- The Han Dynasty brought great development to Jiyue, which secured the Han Dynasty's position as a major peak in the Chinese dance history. 汉代是伎乐大发展的时期。汉代作为我国舞蹈史上的一大高峰,主要就表现在伎乐的繁荣上。
- The climax of the Tang Dynasty was a golden period in the development of Chinese dance, and it was also the prime time of the Jiyue dance. 盛唐是我国舞蹈发展史上的黄金时代,也是伎乐舞蹈的全盛时期。