- Chinese Modem Citizenry Novels 中国现代市井风情小说
- The family novel of the l990s has both recounting tradition of Chinese modem family novel and contemporary form innovation. 世纪末的家族叙事既有现代家族小说的艺术范式,又融入讲述话语年代的形式革新。
- Li Changzhi is the famous literary critic in the history of Chinese modem literature. 摘要李长之先生是我国现代文学史上著名的文学批评家。
- Modem Chinese citizenry novel 现代中国市民小说
- This is because the Chinese modem athletic sports started rather late and the sports clubs are far from mature as the European and American countries. 因为,中国的现 代竞技体育运动起步较晚,体育俱乐部也远没有欧美国家那样成熟。
- Common Civic Consciousness: Soul of Chinese Citizenry Novel 市井意识:现当代中国市民文学的灵魂
- Tang Peng, an outstanding thinker and reformer, was one of the chief members of the landlord - class reforming group in Chinese modem times. 汤鹏是中国近代地主阶级改革派的重要成员,杰出的思想家、改革家。
- They hold high " it is art but art" flag and raise whiffs of aestheticism literature ideological trend at the Chinese modem literary world. 这些作家高举“为艺术而艺术”的旗帜,在中国现代文坛掀起了一股唯美主义文学思潮。
- This article discusses that Liang Qi-chao's evolutionism established his irresplaceable position in Chinese modem enlightenment history. 摘要本文论述梁启超思想中的“进化论”,决定其在中国近现代启蒙思想史上具有不可或缺的地位。
- So the contributions of foreign missionary to the Chinese opening of newspapers are ineffaceable from which the Chinese modem periodicals are originated and developed. 外国传教士办报刊对于国人的启示作用是不可否定的,中国近代期刊在此基础上生发成长。
- Julin Khedau Yen-Fuh is a great translator in Chinese modem history.He translated many learned works about Western sociology, economics, logic, law, politics, etc. 摘要严复是中国近代一位杰出的翻译大师,一生译述过多种西方社会学、经济学、名学(逻辑学)、法学、政治学等作品。
- Zong Baihua's aesthetic system strongly helps the modem transformation of Chinese culture and aesthetics, which becomes a very important part of Chinese modem aesthetics system. 宗白华的美学思想体系有力地推动了中国文化与美学的现代转型,是构成中国美学现代性形态的一个极其重要的部分。
- It is a great activity organized by Shanghai, the cradle of Chinese modem vocational education, aiming at further promoting the development of vocational education and training. 这是上海-我国近代职业教育发祥地,为进一步推动职业教育与职业培训所施展的大动作、大手笔。
- Chinese students studying in Japan is a special group in the modem China.They have made indelible contribution to the development in every aspect in Chinese modem society. 摘要留日学生是中国近代社会的一个特殊群体,他们对中国近代社会各个领域的发展作出了不可磨灭的贡献。
- Cai yuan-pei is a famous democratic reformer, educator and scientist in Chinese modem history, and he is also a pioneer and advocate of Chinese modern psychology. 蔡元培是中国近代著名的民主革命家、教育家和科学家,同时也是我国现代心理学的先驱和倡导者。
- Wang Anyi's female writings express her criticism female spirit and modem idea, overturn masculinity in the Chinese modem image, constructing a map of other modernities. 王安忆的女性写作显示了批判性的女性精神与现代意识,颠覆了当代中国在现代性想象中的菲勒斯中心主义,构成了一幅别样的现代性图景。
- The statism thought of peace, democracy and culture which they initiate has the reasonable valuable positive value, is the important resources in the Chinese modem nationalism thinking history. 他们倡导的和平、民主、文化的国家主义思想有合理可贵的积极价值,是中国现代民族主义思想史上的重要资源。
- The First Opium War in 1840 opened the prologue of Chinese modem history while at the same time served as the starting-point for Chinese people to fight against invasions from the West. 1840年爆发的中英“第一次鸦片战争”,揭开了中国近代历史的的序幕,同时也成为中国人民反击西方列强侵略的起点。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- The chinese modem history summary 中国近现代史纲要