- Chinese Scientific Magazine 格致新报
- Chinese Scientific and Industrial Magazine 格致汇编
- As for Chinese scientific field, it lacks the Nobel Prize spirit but not nimbus. 对于中国科学界来说,最缺少的不是光环,而是“诺贝尔精神”。
- Photo taken on Feb. 17, 2008 shows the Chinese scientific exploration ship Snow Dragon, sails in a strong cyclone in Antarctica. 2月17日,执行我国第24次南极科学考察二次运输任务的“雪龙”号极地科学考察船在从长城站前往中山站的途中第二次遭遇到西风带强气旋。
- The English translation of the title of Chinese scientific paper is required to be accuracy, brevity and rhetorical appeal. 摘要论文标题的英译要忠实准确,简练和优美。
- WDC For Glaciology and Geocryology, Lanzhou, is the main part of the World Data Centre.It is also one of the professional databases of Chinese scientific Database. 该数据库是世界信息中心的主要组成部分,是中国科学专业数据库之一。
- In the post-Needham age, Chinese people should follow the rule of Chinese scientific and technical development, creating conditions to exceed Needham Age. 在“后李约瑟时代”国人应追寻中国科学技术发展规律,积极创造条件去超越“李约瑟时代”。
- R&D achievement on economic beneficiation of beauxite obtained by Chinese scientific research personnel creats favourable condition for Shanxi to develop aluminium industry. 我国铝土矿经济选矿科研成果的诞生为山西省大力发展铝工业创造了有利条件。
- The evolution of Chinese scientific and technological achievements appraisal (STAA) system is briefly traced, and its current status and existing problems are analyzed. 对我国科技成果鉴定制度的改革历程进行了简单回顾。
- The top 10 Chinese scientific achievements for 2000 selected by 485 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and 20 academicians from the Chinese Academy of Engineering by voting were released in January. 由中国科学院、中国工程院485名院士投票评选的2000年中国十大科技进展新闻上月揭晓。
- Our commitment to the Chinese scientific and industrial community is further emphasized by this major investment in a state-of-the-art demonstration, training and support facility here in Beijin. 先进的示范、培训和技术支持中心的重大投资,进一步体现了我们对中国科学界和工业界的承诺。
- The average percentage of funded papers in CAJ is 58%, much higher than that of other Chinese scientific journals (38%). It indicates that Chinese government has been paying more attention to agricultural researches than to other fields. 农学期刊的基金论文(58%25)比远大于总平均(38%25),说明国家相关部门对农业科研的重视程度较高。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- ancient Chinese scientific culture 中华古代科学文化
- Do you have any Chinese newspaper or magazine? 你们有中文报纸或杂志吗?
- How pleasant it is to dine on Chinese food! 吃上中餐是多么令人愉快啊!
- Do you have any chinese magazine? 机上有中文杂志吗?
- modern Chinese scientific culture 近代中华科学文化
- Do you have any magazine in Chinese? 你们有没有中文杂志呢?
- Chinese food is often served with rice or noodles. 中餐常有米饭或面条。