- It was put forward strategies of developing Chinese Train Control System(CTCS) based on demands of the actual state of affairs and requirements for railways. 基于我国铁路发展需求,铁路部门提出发展适于我国国情的CTCS(列车运行控制系统)的策略。
- Acceleration parameter is very important for train control system. 列车加速度对运行控制系统极为重要。
- Chinese Train Control System 中国列车控制系统
- The paper depicts the current situation of Chinese train network control systems, gives out countermeasures to improve its communication reliability. 分析我国列车控制网络系统的现状,根据应用中遇到的具体问题,提出提高当前列车网络通信可靠性的对策。
- Centralized train control system is an advanced train control system supporting new type of train operation organization. 调度集中是一种先进的行车指挥系统,支持新的行车组织方式。
- And 8, the same line, also used on the 7th line of the Commonwealth by the Alcatel wireless communications-based train control system (CBTC). 和8号线一样,7号线也采用由阿尔卡特联合体提供的基于无线通信的列车控制系统(CBTC)。
- New SELTRAC train control system ordered for the whole railway. New fleet of trains ordered. 预定了新的SELTRAC列车控制系统,以及新列车队伍,为整个网络服务。
- New Automatic Train Control System in Japan 日本东海道新干线采用的新型列控系统
- European Train Control System (ETCS) ETCS
- Incremental Train Control System 增强型列车控制系统
- Design and implementation of automatic train control system 列车自动控制系统的设计与实现
- High Reliable Design of CAN Bus Interface in Train Control System 列控车载设备中CAN总线接口的高可靠设计
- Train Control System Based on Radio Communication 基于无线通信的列车控制系统
- communication based train control system(CBTC) 基于通信的列车控制系统
- Safety Design of On-Board Automatic Train Control System for High Speed Railway 高速铁路列车运行控制系统车载设备安全性设计
- New section of Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan passenger dedicated line adopts Interlocking &Train controls System (referred to as SEI system) which has been applied on Qin-Shen passenger dedicated line. 石太客运专线新线区段采用SEI列控联锁一体化系统(简称SEI系统),该系统已应用在秦沈线。
- Analysis of Wireless Flat Surface Train Control System of Mine Railroad 矿山铁路无线平面调车指挥系统探析
- Disconnect the evaporation control system. 断开蒸发控制系统。
- Spanish and Italian Technologies of HS Railway Tunnel and Train Control System 西班牙、意大利高速铁路隧道与列控系统技术
- Subsystems of flight control system II. 飞行控制系统的分系统2。