- The adverbs of degree are the important subcategory in Chinese adverb family, and the degree adverbs in Yeji dialect are not identical to these in Mandarin. 摘要程度副词是汉语副词中一个重要小类,叶集话的程度副词类别和用法与普通话不尽相同。
- A study on Chinese adverbs. 汉语副词研究。
- Middle Chinese adverb Geng was used in a varity of grammatical meanings: expressing a tone of transition or rhetoric question ;the repeated occurrence of actions;and the reaching of a further degree . 中古汉语副词“更”语法意义比较复杂,既可表示转折或反诘语气,也可表示动作行为、情况反复、轮迭进行或出现,还可表示程度的加深;
- Reviews on Studies of Modern Chinese Adverbs 现代汉语副词研究回顾
- overlapping usage of Chinese adverbs 副词重叠
- On development of modern Chinese adverb "Kesha" 近代汉语副词"可煞"的演变规律
- A Close Examination of Middle Chinese Adverb "Po" 中古汉语副词"颇"探微
- Comment on Chinese adverb "TUISHA 近代汉语副词“忒煞”杂议
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- How pleasant it is to dine on Chinese food! 吃上中餐是多么令人愉快啊!
- Research of the Semantic Functions in Sentence of Chinese Adverb "dou" 浅析副词"都"在句中的语义功能
- Chinese food is often served with rice or noodles. 中餐常有米饭或面条。
- That Asian stopped me and asked if I was Chinese. 那个亚洲人拦住我,问我是不是中国人。
- The English language is not allied to the Chinese. 英语与汉语不属于同一语系。
- The Chinese eat with chopsticks. 中国人用筷子吃饭。
- The system can translate English into Chinese. 这个系统能将英语译为汉语。
- People seldom stock up on Chinese cabbage now. 现在人们很少贮存大白菜了。
- Remember you are a Chinese wherever you go. 不论你到哪里,记住你是中国人。
- It's a collection of Chinese jade. 这是收藏的一批中国玉器。