- The Confederation of Chinese Associations, Sarawak. 砂罗越华人社团联合总会。
- A Chinese association or political party. 堂中国的联合会组织或政党
- United Chinese Association, Sibu Division. 诗巫省华人社团联合会.
- Through the foundation and awarding the scholarships, the Chinese Associations in Malaysia have extended their positive influence in the country and the society. 马来西亚华人社团设立并颁发奖助贷学金,产生了非常积极的社会效应。
- Chua, a leader of the Malaysian Chinese Association, is married. 蔡细历是马来西亚华人协会的一位领导人,已婚。
- Picture 2, Elk Grove Chinese Association 10th anniversary cake. 图二:为庆祝麋鹿林华人联谊会成立十周年特制的蛋糕。
- Waltham Forest Chinese Association is a charity organisation. 窝咸科域士华人中心乃慈善机构。
- President Justin Yu, former President Eric Ng and the delegation attending the inauguration ceremony of R.O.C. President Ma Ying-jeou visited the Federation of Overseas Chinese Associations in Taiwan. 正在台湾的于金山主席、伍锐贤前主席及回国参加马英九总统就职典礼的纽约代表团拜会华侨联合总会及简汉生理事长。
- Due to unforeseeable staff changes at the Islington Chinese Association Dr. 但行程也不可以一气呵成;
- President of Kuching Hockien Association cum The Federation of Kuching &Samarahan Divisions Chinese Associations, Sarawak Dr. Chou Chii Ming delivering his speech. 开幕主宾古晋福建公会兼晋汉省华总会长周启明博士致开幕词。
- Welcome to the Elk Grove Chinese Association Photography Club Webpage. 欢迎来到糜鹿林华人联谊会摄影小组网页。
- leadership of Chinese associations 社团领袖
- Arcadia Chinese Association does not represent or warrant the accuracy of any of the translation and/or information. 亚凯迪亚华人协会不表示亦不保证这些资讯及/或翻译的正确性。
- The purchase of Nanyang Press by the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) is the latest in the series of controversies. 马华收购南洋报业则是涉及华社的最新争议。
- Chinese Association of Southampton is looking for a part-time development worker. 南安普敦华人协会正在寻找兼职干事。
- Regaled the Courtesy call from Chinese Association Disaster Relief Committee of Medan, Indonesia. 会长暨商联会副总会长卢成全代表商联会接待印尼苏北华社赈灾委员会代表团。
- Our company is the member of Chinese Association of Metal Structure and the Formwork Scaffolding Committee. 现是“中国金属结构协会、模板脚手架委员会常委成员单位。”
- Chinese Association of Greater Detroit (http://www.cagd.org) was established in 1992. 大底特律区中国人协会成立于1992年。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- CCBA welcomed General Wu Shih-wen, the president of Overseas Chinese Association, who also served as the ROC Defense Minister from 2000-2002. 曾任中华民国前国防部长的现任华侨协会总会理事长伍世文,拜访纽约中华公所,并与属下各大侨团首长会面。