- The Duck with Chinese Caterpillar Fungus? 虫草鸭子?那是一种保健食品,对吧?
- It is a company specializing in the gathering, purchasing and sales of Chinese caterpillar fungus. 公司有自己的采挖队武,是专业进行冬虫夏草采挖、收购、销售的公司。
- The Sweet and Sour Pork Chops,the Steamed Carp,the Steamed Preserved Cabbage and Pork and the Duck with Chinese Caterpillar Fungus. 糖醋排骨、清蒸鲤鱼、冬菜扣肉、虫草鸭子。
- The Sweet and Sour Pork Chops, the Steamed Carp, the Steamed Preserved Cabbage and Pork and the Duck with Chinese Caterpillar Fungus. 糖醋排骨、清蒸鲤鱼、冬菜扣肉、虫草鸭子。
- Over ten categories of medicinalherbs,Nature`sRx`s,alsogrowhere, such as Chinese caterpillar fungus and bulb of fritillary. 有着风光旖旎、生态原始、别具格调的独特情韵,是一处难得的春季观花、夏季避暑、秋赏红叶、冬观雪景的四季旅游胜地。
- Aurelian Chinese caterpillar fungus of aurelian Chinese caterpillar fungus calls north Chinese caterpillar fungus again, congeneric and as different as aweto kind. 蛹虫草 蛹虫草又称北虫草,与冬虫夏草同属不同种。
- Chinese caterpillar fungus is also called fungus, which specially multiplies by caterpillar fungus parasiting into the young insect, forming hypha and maturing outside the insect. 中文原文 项目合作指南 1.;冬虫夏草亦简称为虫草。它的独特繁衍是由虫草菌寄生到昆虫幼虫体内在虫体内 长满菌丝后即在虫体外长出子实体(草),“虫草”其实是“虫”与“草”的结合体 ,其有效成份主要集中在子实体(草)内。
- It is also rich in Fritillaria, musk, Chinese caterpillar fungus and so on more than 600 species of medicinal plants and animals, so-called "township of medicine. 这里还盛产贝母、麝香、虫草等600余种药用动植物,所以被称为“药材之乡”。
- MethodsThe extracts of leaves of Eucommiae,Chinese caterpillar fungus(Cordvceps sinensis Sace.) and other Chinese traditional medicinal materia were studied. 方法以杜仲叶为主原料,辅以虫草及其它成分进行研究。
- Usage: 1.Medicate the liquor with the yak penes, Chinese caterpillar fungus and the fruit of Chinese wolfberry. 2.Better to stew the sliced yak penes with Chinese angelica, Dangshen and Chinese wolfberry. 食用方法:1;与虫草;枸杞等泡制药酒服用.;2;用热油炸后温水浸泡后切片与当归、党参、枸杞、炖汤食用效果更佳
- capsule of Chinese caterpillar fungus 冬虫夏草胶囊
- Duck Stew With Chinese Caterpillar Fungus 冬蟲草燉老鸭
- Chinese caterpillar fungus superoxide dismutase 蛹虫草SOD
- Determination of mannitol content in Chinese caterpillar fungus health food 虫草类保健品中甘露醇含量的测定
- Technique of Chinese caterpillar fungus culture with dried silkworm pupae 用干蚕蛹栽培蛹虫草技术
- Therapeutic Effects of Chinese Caterpillar Fungus on Chronic Obstructive Pumonary Disease 人工冬虫夏草治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病的观察
- Observation on Protect Role of Zymogen Powder of Chinese Caterpillar Fungus on Renal Toxicity of Amino glycoside 发酵虫草菌粉对氨基糖甙肾毒性保护作用观察
- The effect of kudzuvine root and Chinese caterpillar fungus soft capsules on the osteoporosis in castrated female rats 葛根虫草软胶囊对大鼠实验性骨质疏松的影响
- Research for increasing organismal immune adjustment function with Chinese caterpillar fungus yellow pear juice 虫草黄梨汁增强机体免疫调节功能的研究
- Key technology for the cultivation of Chinese caterpillar fungus with silkworm pupae 利用桑蚕蛹栽培北虫草关键技术研究