- Finally, trying to discuss the necessity and possibility of the Codification of the Chinese Civil Law briefly. 最后本文尝试性地对中国民法法典化的必要和可能做了一个简单的论述。
- This article hackles in detail the origin of Chinese civil law in modern times,especially points out the process and profoundness of transforming from civil precept to civil law. 本文即较为详尽地梳理了汉语“民法”在近代的缘起,尤其指出了“民律”至“民法”转化的过程及蕴意。
- Chinese civil Law inherited the core contents of the common law theory of expressing ,and try to develop with the combination of Chinese state condition. 中国民法继承了大际法系意思表示理论的核心内容,并力图在司法实践中结合中国的国情而有所发展。
- Developing Course of Chinese Civil Law 论我国民法的发展历程
- Thought of Methods in Studying Chinese Civil Law 对中国民法学研究方法的思考
- Civil law is different to criminal law. 民法与刑法是不同的。
- He is a learned jurist, who has written several books on civil law. 他是个博学的法学家,著有好几本有关民事法的书。
- Discussion on the Provision and its Perfecting Concerning with the Institution of Guardianship in Chinese Civil Law 我国民法中有关监护机构的规定及其完善
- Present-day Chinese Civil Law Should Have Private Subject Right as Its Orientation 中国现今民法当以私主体权利为本位
- Personality Rights: Natural Rights or Legal Rights?--Also on Personality Rights Stipulated in the Chinese Civil Law 人格权:自然权利抑或法定权利?--兼论人格权在我国民法中的规定方式
- Steele: How long will the Chinese civil war go on? 问:中国内战将延长多久?
- The lecturer continued that civil law was different to criminal law. 讲课人继续解释说民法与刑法是不同的。
- What Industry Is Chinese Civil Aircraft Industry? 什么样的产业才是中国的民机产业?
- On the development and consummation of the possessive institution in Chinese civil law 论我国民法对占有制度的发展与完善
- Bachelor of Canon Law, Bachelor of Civil Law J.C.D. 民法学学士。
- Doctor of Canon Law; Doctor of Civil Law J.D. 民法学博士。
- Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. 中国文化是世界上最古老的文化之一。
- We are free because we live on a civil law. 没有法律我们反而是非自由的,政府的能力效率也是如此。
- About the legality of Acts in Civil Law? 民事法律行为仅为合法行为吗?
- Civil Law, Commercial and Economic Law Volume. 中国法学文丛.;刑事法卷