- Shyu-Wey is very important in Chinese Drama history and Art history. 文人此种诗、文、书、画、剧皆通的现象,当与博通态度、业馀精神有关。
- The Long Draft Edition of Chinese Drama History is the academic work of Mr. Zhou Yibai. 《中国戏曲史长编》是周贻白老先生的学术著作。
- Chinese drama history 中国戏剧史
- How Far The Chinese Drama Conld Go? 中国戏曲到底能走多远?
- Prince of Tennis [Chinese Drama] Preview. 网球王子好男儿预告片.
- The Yuan opera is an radiant star in our country drama history, it is also one of most magnificent chapters in the Chinese culture history. 元代杂剧是我国戏曲艺术史上的一颗璀璨的明星,同时也是中华文化发展史上最为辉煌的篇章之一。
- Ben se" is an important concept in Chinese drama theory. 本色”是中国戏曲理论中的一个重要概念。
- Jin Dynasty tomb 14, brick wood structure, and shape for the stage show figurines for the study of the history of Chinese drama provides a reliable corroboration. 金代墓室十四座,砖雕仿木结构,造形为舞台戏俑,为研究中国戏剧史提供了可靠佐证。
- Chinese Drama is the crystal of Chinese traditional culture and the disticlate of Chinese Classical aesthetics, the art of dramatics has a long history. 中国戏曲是中国传统文化的结晶,是中国古典美学之集大成者,戏曲艺术源远流长。
- There is an interactive relationship between Bertolt Brecht and Chinese drama. 摘要布莱希特与中国戏剧是一种“双向互动”的关系。
- Nuo is an ancient culture form which is titled as "fossil of Chinese drama". 傩是一种古老的传统文化,被称为“戏剧的古化石”,最早关注傩文化的是戏剧学家。
- The incidental music of Peer Gynt by Grieg is great recordings in drama history and becomes monumental classics in music history. 格里格《培尔·特》戏剧配乐在成就戏剧史上巨作的同时,自身也成为音乐史上的不朽经典。
- It has very important developmental meaning as a concept on the reconstruction of drama history according to performance. 而在观念上,则对重建表演意义上的戏曲史具有重要的启发意义。
- Learning from Brecht's narrative drama, it opened up a new phase of Chinese drama creation.Therefore, it has great significance in the history of Chinese literature in many aspects. 它对布莱希特叙述体戏剧的借鉴,开创了中国戏剧创作的新局面,在多个方面具有文学史的意义。
- With over 800,000 words and some 300 pictures,the Chinese Drama: Tibetan Volume was published in December,1993. 汇集300多张图片、80余万字的《中国戏曲·西藏卷》已于1993年12月正式出版发行。
- Yue Mei-ti is the winner of 4th Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Prize and Leading Role Prize of 4th Shanghai Magnolia Drama Prize. 第 四 届 中 国 戏 剧 梅 花 奖 和 第 四 届 上 海 戏 剧 白 玉 兰 主 角 奖 得 主。
- The stream of aestheticism in Western drama modeled modern Chinese drama, especially the historical play. 摘要西方唯美主义戏剧思潮型塑了中国现代戏剧的面貌,尤其是历史剧。
- Allegory, language distinction, artistic atmosphere are the three core categories of Chinese drama. 寓言、本色、意境是中国戏剧的三大核心范畴。
- We can see clearly the trace of the interaction between Chinese drama and Brecht from the research between them. 通过布莱希特与中国戏剧的研究,我们可以更加清楚地看到二者相互影响的痕迹。
- The effect that Chinese drama to Brecht was wide, not only to his dramatic theory, but to his practice work. 在中西文化碰撞中,布莱希特与中国戏剧发生了较为直接的关系,这是一种“双向互动”的关系。