- Chinese electronic periodicals 中文电子期刊
- Methods We searched MEDLINE and the four largest Chinese electronic databases. 方法计算机检索MEDLINE和中国国内4个最大的电子数据库;
- This paper has expounded on the types and characters of electronic periodicals, management methodology, means of exploitation and utilization. 本文论述了电子期刊的类型与特点、管理方法及开发利用途径。
- Because of the restriction of equipment,management and other external factors,the utilization rate of electronic periodicals remains to be a problem. 但由于设备与管理以及外界诸多因素的制约,使得电子期刊在利用率方面还存在着诸多问题。
- EP-China serves Chinese electronic engineers with the latest information on product technology. 《今日电子》杂志及时为国内的电子工程师和工程管理人员提供最前沿的产品技术信息。
- We can say that every change of technology is the impetus of the development of Chinese electronic publishing industry. 可以说,技术的每一次变革都是推动我国电子出版业发展的原动力。
- The history of Chinese electronic publishing industry is closely bound up with the development of electronic technology. 我国电子出版业的发展历史与电子出版技术的发展密切相关。
- Chinese electronic warfare operational concepts emphasize concealing the activities and disposition of PLA forces and misleading the enemy. 中国的电子战操作概念强调隐蔽解放军的行动和部署,并且误导敌军。
- Yuelin Wang The senior member of IEEE, the committeeman of the sensitive technology branch of Chinese Electronic Institute. 张文栋: 中北大学校长,中国兵工学会副理事长,中国兵工学会测试技术专业委员会主任委员。
- However, the electronic periodicals transform the traditional mode of the construction of the periodical resources. 但是,电子期刊的出现改变了传统的期刊资源建设模式。
- We would take it a glory tomake our contribution to help Chinese electronic industrystand in the frint of electrinic industry aroundthe world. 为广大新老客户创造最大效益、为中国的电子生产产业进入世界电子生产前列作出贡献。
- After backstage electronic finance and proscenium electronic finance,Chinese electronic finance has entered into an application stage of technology integration. 我国金融电子化在经历了后台电子化、前台电子化之后,目前已进入了以网络开发为标志的技术集成化应用阶段。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- Li Guoqing expresses excitedly " the target makes field of Chinese electron business affairs namely ' sell greatly ' , the first when make Chinese B2C and C2C field " . 李国庆激动地表示“目标就是成为中国电子商务领域的‘大卖场’,成为中国B2C和C2C领域的第一名”。
- In the meantime, the consumption on the net is very safe also, pay development as Chinese electron, we pay mode to will compare Euramerican country more advanced, safer. 同时,网上消费也很安全,随着中国电子支付发展,我们支付模式将会比欧美国家更先进、更安全。
- networked electronic periodicals 网络电子期刊
- According to the view of Li Qi of director of committee of experts of learning of association of Chinese electron business affairs, should " turn on the water pisciculture " . 按照中国电子商务协会学术专家委员会主任李琪的说法,应该“放水养鱼”。
- research on electronic periodicals 电子期刊研究
- On the seminar, expert attending the meeting the business mode with Alibaba case for exemple, discuss the development trend that analysed Chinese electron business affairs. 研讨会上,与会专家以阿里巴巴的业务模式个案为例,探讨分析了中国电子商务的发展趋势。
- We are the Chinese Electron Academy purification Technology branch member,Shenzhen famous brand enterprise,ISO9000 Quality Management System authenticated enterprise. 中国电子学会洁净技术分会成员,深圳品牌企业,ISO9000质量管理体系认证企业。