- While reflecting the skill of Chinese craftsmen in using hardwoods,the Chinese furniture industry is richer and has many more types of mortise and tenons. 中国传统家具品类众多,又兼具独树一帜的"硬木"文化情结,因此,不仅中国家具榫结构的类型比日本的多,结构形式也复杂;
- Current Situation and Policies about Intellectual Property Right Protection in Chinese Furniture Industry 中国家具业知识产权保护的现状剖析与对策
- Chinese furniture industry 中国家具业
- The quality of Chinese furniture is first class. 中国家具质量上乘。
- New Century Furniture Industry Co. Ltd. 新世纪塑钢家具实业公司。
- Heilongjiang Shuangye Furniture Industry Co., Ltd. 黑龙江双叶家具实业有限公司。
- Taizhou Zita Furniture Industry Co., Ltd. 台州席丹家居工业有限公司
- Under the macroscopical background,the author deeply convinced that it would be urgent to carry out the research of manufacture information engineering in Chinese furniture manufacture industry. 在"以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化"、"用高新技术和先进适用技术改造提升传统产业"的基础上,提出了加强中国家具制造业信息化建设研究的建议。
- Furniture industry which has long history is tradition industry in China. 家具产业是我国传统的产业,有着悠久的历史。
- Furniture industry in village emerges the feature of handicraft industry times. 农村家具产业基本呈现手工业时期的特征。
- Study on the Innovation of Supply Chain Logistics Management in Chinese Furniture Enterprises. 中国家具企业供应链物流管理创新研究。
- Kachi is a professional decoration company in the furniture industry. 香港凯基设计工程公司是一家专业装饰工程公司。
- For Chinese furniture being well received by the world, we shouldn't ignore the modernization study of CTF. 中国家具要走向世界,就不能忽视中国传统家具的现代化研究。
- You in deciding when fully extricate themselves from the traditional Chinese furniture style. 您在订做的时候,完全可以摆脱中式家具传统的式样。
- Let,s create a new brilli ance of the furniture industry hand in hand. 让我们携起手来,共同创造二十一世纪家具行业的新辉煌。
- Due to demand we have reissued an updated version of Chinese Furniture - Selected articles from Orientations 1984-2003. 中国家具-选定的文章从1984年至2003年的方向。
- A large quantity of Chinese furniture has been exported to the United Sates and European countries. 综合欧美和亚太地区的家具市场,其产业结构和营销策略都在发生一系列的变化。
- We are a trading company specialized in Antique Chinese furniture, reproductions, hotel furniture, home furnishing. 我们是一家外贸公司,专做中国古董家具,复制品,酒店家具,家居家具/装饰品。
- Furniture was popularized in the Song Dynasty, but the most refined and beautiful of ancient Chinese furniture was made in the Ming Dynasty. 宋代是家具广泛普及的时代,最精彩、最有特色的是明代家具。