- Chinese international image 中国国际形象
- The chinese international postalcode is 00 86. 中国的国际区号是0086。
- Star airlines on China's biggest contribution to civil aviation should be changed the image of the Chinese civil aviation, transforming China Civil Aviation international image. 东星航空公司对中国民航最大的贡献应该是改变了中国民营航空的形象,改变中国民航在国际上的形象。
- If Han Duan goes to US successfully, not only grows advantageously to her, simultaneously may also promote the Chinese women's football the international image. 韩端昨天告诉记者,“我现在能以平常心态面对转会,如能成行,我会非常高兴,如果事情没成,我也会坦然接受。”
- Th, Sets up Chinese International Higher education Management University. 十八、设立中国国际高等教育管理大学。
- Never in American corporate history has so few employees inflicted so much irreparable damage to the nation's economy and its international image. 因为少数企业执行人员的行为,使美国的经济和声誉受到不可弥补的破坏,这在美国企业史上是前所未有的。
- It is impossible to estimate the toll this regulation took on China's international image. 这一制度对于中国的国际形象造成的损失是无法估价的,
- The satirical multi-choice feature which has upset Chinese international students in New Zealand has just been brought to my attention. 我注意到你们的杂志上的那一个具有讽刺意味的多选题让很多在新西兰的华人国际留学生感到非常的不舒服。
- Taiyimarmu also blamed Anwar for the impairment of Malaysia's international image. 泰益也把最近马来西亚国际形象受损的事件归咎于安华。
- This exhibit is made possible by generous support from the US Fulbright Foundation, the Chinese International Photography Research Foundation, and the Canon Communication Space. 这个画展由美国富布赖特奖学金及大连医科大学摄影理论研究所支持并赞助佳能交流空间。
- Chan said that the bid to upgrade the whole, as well as the international image of the whole people is crucial. 成龙说,申办奥运对提升全北京以至全民的国际形象至关重要。
- Eighth Chinese international automobile articles for use, stretch , the Chinese international refits automobile ... 首页>>图片猎奇>>第八届中国国际汽车用品展、中国国际改装汽车...
- "After 9/11, I just felt like Morocco needed this for its international image," said Oregon-born Kriger. 11事件发生后,我只是觉得为了摩洛哥的国际形象,需要这个酒吧。”生于俄勒冈州的克拉格说。
- Yesterday, 2008 Chinese international educational expos in country trade development. 昨天,2008中国国际教育展在国贸开展。
- In today's tournament, Chinese international master Jun Xu challenged teammate and international grandmaster Rongguang Ye. 在今天的比赛中,中国国际大师徐俊迎战队友、国际特级大师叶荣光。
- It is a permanent blot on its international image and violates US obligations under international conventions to safeguard and protect cultural properties in times of war. 美国也违反了国际公约的规定,在战争进行的时候,没有设法捍卫和保护文化遗产。美国的国际形象将因此蒙上永远抹不去的污点。
- The worldwide festivity is expected to be an economic turning point and an opportunity to enhance the international image of ROK. 这场世界盛事有望成为韩国经济的一个转折点,韩国国际形象也有望通过本次世界杯有所提升。
- In addition, both the Communist Party of China and the GMD make an great contribution on the exaltation of the Chinese international position. 国共两党都为中国国际地位的提高做出了重大的贡献。
- This action how Taode wounding a referee when the value of Kensaku Hogen, the Chinese international was directly under a red card penalty. 这个伤人动作怎么逃得过当值主裁的法眼,中国国脚被直接出示红牌罚下。
- Uncivilized conducts not only spoil the international image of China but also disturb the normal other of sports events. 不文明的行为不仅破坏了我国的国际形象,而且还扰乱了正常的体育赛事。