- His Chinese landscape paintings by brush are wonderful artistic works. 他的墨笔山水画是很不错的艺术作品。
- The traditional Chinese landscape paintings leave lots of space for the illusionary implication, which reflects great influence of Buddhism on the ancient intellectuals. 中国传统水墨山水画中对虚幻意味有着特殊的关照,是古代文人在佛道思想体系影响下的必然产物。
- Plank Rock Paint is superior in the imitated decorative material ,producing natural effect as real? slate, and creating space of imagination like Chinese landscape paint. 板岩漆:与风化石一样都是仿天然装饰材料中的佼佼者,可营造出自然界中的真实板岩所带来的效果,可产生出山水画般的艺术想象空间。
- That's what yon can see in Chinese landscaping paintings. 这点你从中国山水画中就可以看出来。
- He introduced innovations to Chinese landscape painting by using shadow portrayal techniques from Western paintings. 他把西方绘画中表现光影的方法融入到山水画创作中,
- That explanation sufficiently accounts for the love of rocky peaks in Chinese landscape painting. 这个说明可以使我们了解中国风景画家为什么那么喜欢多石的山峰。
- The terraced fields and the lotus in summer make it look like a vivid Chinese landscape painting. 层层梯田和夏日荷花使其看起来就象一幅生动的中国山水画。
- Chinese ethical aesthetics is the determinant of aesthetical visage of Chinese landscape painting. 中国特有的民族审美观决定了中国山水画的美学面貌。
- She is especially good at traditional Chinese landscape painting, but occasionally she does oils too. 她擅长山水画,偶尔也画画油画。
- The endless green wooded mountains and the rushing waters form a magnificent picture, like a scroll of Chinese landscape painting. 连绵的翠峦和不尽的波涛,天成一幅壮丽的山水画卷。
- The Chinese landscape painting art develops to Yuan Dynasty again a big change, is scholarly of the landscape painting to turn, personify. 中国山水画艺术发展到元代又一大变,是山水画的文人化、人格化。
- In Taiwan he had studied Chinese landscape painting from two masters, and participated in group shows.After immigrating to Vancouver in 1993, Mr. 在台北随牟崇松与陈铭显先生学山水,参加国立台湾艺术教育馆友友画会联展。
- To current Chinese landscape painting creation development and educational reform to important guidance and impetus function. 对当前中国山水画的创作发展及教学改革起到了重要的导向和推动作用。
- The MV will be the traditional Chinese landscape painting, shadow play, Chinese calligraphy, such as organic Guocui all together, but it is worth mentioning that this MV... 这部MV将中国传统山水画、皮影戏、中国书法等国粹全部有机的整合在一起,更值得一提的是这部MV不是画出来的,而是制作出来的。
- On the Mood and Flavour of Chinese Landscape Paintings 试论中国山水画的情性与意境
- Styles and Conventionalization in Chinese Landscape Paintings 浅析山水画的风格与程式化问题
- The scenery surrounding them has a beauty all its own, looking like a Chinese landscape painting of mountains, waters and rocks, as the quaintly shaped lakes are encircled by 14 conic hills and lie interspersed with stretches of congealed lava. 弯弯曲曲的5池碧水洒落在14座火山锥之间,与广阔的火山熔岩石海交织在一起,形成一幅独特的山水石风景画。
- Chinese Landscape painting has strived to the mutual understanding between the artists and the nature in the development, which is created by the unique and traditional Chinese culture. 中国山水画在发展中一直在追求的是画家与大自然相互默契的审美理念,这是由中国传统独特的文化哲学观所造就的。
- Farther recognition of ways of space arrangement in Chinese Landscape paintings 对中国山水画空间处理手法再认识
- Do you take much interest in landscape paintings? 你对风景画有兴趣吗?