- Determinants of the Living Arrangement of the Chinese Oldest Old 中国高龄老人居住方式的影响因素研究
- Study on the Quality of Life of the Chinese Oldest Old 中国高龄老人生活质量研究
- She is a representative Chinese old. 她是一个典型的中国老人。
- The film depicts the happy hours of a Chinese old man. 这部电影描写了一位中国老人的幸福时光。
- One day he eats branny hind go out, aboard encounters old old official, big old Guan Zheng is having a meal, accost idle Chinese eat together. 有一天他吃糠后出门,在船上碰到大老官,大老官正在吃饭,便招呼闲汉一块吃。
- Ms.Chey:I can tell you this.I learned Chinese old fashionedly,so I learned to read,write and there was no oral exam.So it was very difficult for me to speak. 梅女士:我可以告诉你这个,我学汉语时用的是老式办法,我学了读和写,而当时没有口语考试,因此要我开口说就很困难。
- The Gallery occupies an area of 200 square meters.It is a rare traditional Chinese old style building with a two-storeyed exhibition space. 画廊占地约200平米,是一幢具有代表性的苏式古建筑,内设两层展厅,可展出各类艺术品,举办各类小型艺术交流活动。
- Guangsheng appear pharmacy is a historic and prestigious Chinese old and famous, known as "first Guangsheng Church, after the Yangcheng Shen," said. 广生堂药店是一所历史悠久而又享有盛名的中华老字号,素有“先有广生堂、后有沈阳城”之说。
- Sheng Xifu,a Chinese old brand with timehonored reputation,was founded in 1911.Ninetyyears history has witnessed its splen-did,magnificent achievements. 盛锡福是京华老字号企业,始创于1911年,九十年的历史抒写着盛锡福代代辉煌的灿烂业绩。
- Meanwhile, this paper sums up the general decision-making strategies of brand rejuvenation and discusses how to revitalize and prosper the Chinese old brands with BRM. 同时,归纳总结了品牌活化的一般决策方法,讨论如何把“品牌活化矩阵”用于中国老字号和老品牌的复苏和振兴。
- Che Guevara has remained a controversial subject.The Chinese “old left” criticized him for overstressing guerilla warfare, a deviation from Chinese revolutionary experience. 进入剧组当初,杨婷本来是以“帮忙”的身份出现的,最多也就准备挂个表演指导的名义。
- My eight year old Old English Sheepdog has been wonderful with my children (who are now 7 and 2). 我家养的8岁古牧和我的孩子们(一个7岁一个2岁)生活得很好。
- Jincheng above relates to the shares outstanding before and after the two-term controlling shareholder of the old old. 上述欠款涉及到金城股份前后两任控股股东的陈年旧债。
- What old old official sees he is spat is branny completely, ask: "You say eating dog meat, how to spit branny come? 大老官见他吐的全是糠,便问:“你说吃的狗肉,怎么吐出糠来?”
- Shanxi, Taiyuan, the provincial capital is completed Theater during the oldest old cinemas, located in the bustling downtown of Liu Xiang. 山西剧院是省会太原建成年代最久远的老字号电影院,坐落于最繁华的闹市区柳巷。
- When the billowy great waves when market economy pounds this Chinese old mainland, do not have soundlessly originally of breath " cobble " the ray that showed gold gradually however. 这是一个梦想成真的年代, 这是一个英雄辈出的年代。当市场经济的汹涌波涛冲击中国这块古老的大陆时,一颗颗原本无声无息的“石子”却渐渐地露出了金子的光芒。
- As the Chinese old saying goes, "The apricot tree makes its presence felt by extending a bough of blossoming flowers over the top of the wall, unbeknownst to those who live behind the wall. 剧情描述一名红杏出墙的太太与情夫合谋,在大瀑布旅行时谋杀亲夫,不料事机不密,丈夫反过来先发制人对付妻子。
- But ironically, einners new bladewing are usually, but not the ones who are trying to protect the old old income and assets. 只不过具有讽刺意味的是,赢家通常都是新进场者,而不是那些试图保护旧收入和旧资产的人。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- The shape, texture, woodiness neat meticulously carved design "clear, left, right, fishing boat," poem "a pathetic lie carving, old old fishing river. 器形规整,木质缜密,纹路清晰,左刻图案“孤舟垂钓”,右上方刻诗“一卧沧江老钓徒,故人风景忆三吴。