- I have made a success of translating this ancient Chinese poem into English. 我已成功地把这首中国古诗译成了英语。
- You Are Welcome To www. Lovepoem. Cn.There Are More Chinese poem, prose and English poem, prose. 爱情诗,散文诗为您开通了。
- This is a Chinese poem I wrote in 1994 for myself, promising a home visit in five years. 这是1994年我安慰自己的小诗,希望五年内可以回国一次。
- Here is a Chinese poem written by famous poet Li Po(701-762), Tang Dynasty;translated by Lin Yutang. 这里是我国唐朝著名诗人李白的一首诗,由林语堂先生译。
- However,others show no interest in Chinese poems. 然而,其他人对中国古诗不感兴趣。
- The positive side has Pinyin, while the negative side has a nursery rhyme, ancient Chinese poem, tongue twister, or riddle. 正面的拼音字母主要用于拼音和单个音节的教学和练习;
- Having stayed here for a period,you will learn a free life you never see,An old Chinese poem said correctly:when the sun rise,go to the felid,when the moon appear,go to the bed. 在这里,不过小住几天,忽而的一瞬间, “ 晨兴理荒秽,带月荷锄归 ” , “ 采菊东篱下,悠然见南山 ” ,相信那就是吉日良辰、风土人情、美酒佳肴、任性放歌、自在清明的映照吧。
- Depicting how climbers of the towering Mount Tai feel, an ancient Chinese poem goes, "I must ascend the mountain's crest;it dwarfs all peaks under my feet. 中国有一句描写登泰山感受的古诗:“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”。
- The paper takes the poetry of Tang and Song for example to introduce the origin of Chinese poem, then analyzes their artistic characteristics and their unique classical rhyme. 摘要文章以唐诗宋词为例,介绍了中国诗词的渊源,并简要分析了中国诗词的艺术特色,发掘了其独特的古典韵味。
- Another famous figure, probably also legendary, is the girl Hua Mulan , the heroine of an old Chinese poem, who dressed as a man and took her father’s place in the army. 另一位著名的人物,也极可能是传奇故事中的人物,就是 花木兰 ,她是一位中国史诗中的女英雄人物,身披戎装,替父从军。
- Reminiscence is the theme appearing frequently in Chinese poems. 怀旧是在中国诗歌中反复出现的主题。
- The Significance of Liu's ideas about the Tangti is, that he predicted a irreversible tendency in Chinese poem history for the first, and he left behind many topics for discussion. 刘克庄的唐体观的意义在于,他首先预见到中国诗歌发展史上一个不可逆转的趋势,并为我们留下了许多值得思考的问题。
- On the basis of an analysis and summarization of Chinese poems, this paper elaborates the ten functions of rhyme. 文本依据对汉语诗歌作品的分析、概括,集中阐述韵在诗歌中的多种功能。
- It is the very fountainhead of Chinese poetry and also the earliest anthology of Chinese poems. 《诗经》是中国诗歌的源头,是中国的第一部诗歌总集。
- Discuss the Macro-trend of the Ancient Chinese Poem 论中国古典诗歌的宏观走向
- Chinese poems and couplets always read rhythmic.It is because they adopt a great number of rhetorical devices. 汉语的诗歌和对联常常读起来朗朗上口,这是因为它们采用了大量的修辞手法。
- You can get a full understanding of Chinese poems by reading The Poems of Tang Dynasty, Collated and Supplemented. 您通过阅读这本《〈全唐诗〉校补》可以全面了解中国的诗文化。
- I have enjoyed all kinds of books such as ancient Chinese poems, riddles and brain twister since kindergarten. 从幼儿园开始,我就非常喜欢看各种各样的书,如唐诗、猜谜语、脑筋急转弯等。
- classic Chinese poem translation 古诗词翻译
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。