- Chinese rose, wintersweet, peony, clove applicable. 月季、梅花、牡丹、丁香等适用。
- I can't differentiate between rose and Chinese rose. 我分不清玫瑰和月季。
- The average life expectancy of the Chinese rose to 71 years in 1999. 1999年,人口平均预期寿命提高到71岁。
- Yes, there had been the azalea, the orchid, the Chinese rose and the camellia. 是的,曾经有过杜鹃花、兰花、月季和茶花。
- B: Yes,there had been the azalea,the orchid,the Chinese rose and the camellia. 是的,曾经有过杜鹃花、兰花、月季和茶花。
- Do you know how many sorts of Chinese rose in the world? You can hazard a guess. 你知道世界上有多少种月季花?你大胆猜一下。
- Traditional 4 cut a flower to include Chinese rose greatly, chrysanthemum, carnation, tang Chang cattail. 传统的四大切花包括月季,菊花,康乃馨,唐菖蒲。
- Chinese rose , nopalxochia in the works of him, the lines are terse , the color is black and proper, have fully shown his outstanding model ability and consummate behavior skill. 他笔下的月季、令箭荷花,线条简练,色墨适当,充分显示了他出色的造型能力和娴熟的表现技巧。
- The average life expectancy of the Chinese rose to 71 years in 1999. Almost all the Chinese people are now accessible to basic health care services. 1999年,人口平均预期寿命提高到7l岁。基本实现人人享有初级卫生保健服务。
- Flower main general categories : chrysanthemum, camellia, Chinese rose, narcissus, jasmine, Begonia flowers, which rocks. 花卉类一般主要有:菊花、茶花、月季花、水仙花、茉莉花、海棠花、相石竹等。
- The Chinese rose is praised as the queen in the flower in the world, has created more than 20,000 horticulture breeds through more than 200 years. 月季花在世界上被誉为花中皇后,经过二百多年创造了二万多个园艺品种。
- Nuclear medicine practitioners in the lymph nodes called Li scrofula, if not broken, the Chinese rose by a good treatment. 淋巴结核在中医叫瘰疬,如果没有破,用月季花有良好的治疗效果。
- Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis) having mostly red, pink, or white flowers. It is an ancestor of many cultivated hybrid roses. 月季花产于中国的蔷薇科植物(月季花),花朵大多为红色、粉红色或白色。是许多被栽培的杂种蔷薇的原种
- Visit a lying-in woman, appropriate chooses bright red, pink carnation, Chinese rose, match with asparagus, all over the sky star, in order to wish happy, health. 探望产妇,宜选用大红、粉红色的香石竹、月季,配以文竹、满天星,以祝幸福、健康。
- Also can absorb the harmful gas such as hydrogen of formaldehyde, vulcanization, benzene, phenol, ether aloe, red-spotted stonecrop, Chinese rose, rose. 芦荟、景天、月季、蔷薇等也能吸收甲醛、硫化氢、苯、苯酚、乙醚等有害气体。
- Some flowers, such as jasmine, Milan, cloves, flowers, Tze Wei, the Chinese rose and rose, to be distributed by the volatile oil sterilization and disinfection functions. 有些花卉,如茉莉、米兰、丁香、桂花、紫薇、月季、玫瑰等,能散发出具有杀菌作用的挥发油,有消毒的功能。
- I am pleasantly surprised to walk past, identified this is a very common Chinese rose, grew up in were Cai Duan, leaving only a small number of branches on a truncated stem. 我惊喜地走过去,认出这是一朵很普通的月季花,生长在被人踩断只留下一小截短茎的枝头上。
- The economy with general myth of Chinese rise, China grows and subsequently and the boundless opportunity that come makes world exclaim. 中国的崛起、中国神话一般的经济发展和随之而来的无穷机会令世界赞叹。
- BJ North Chinese Rose Co. 北方月季花公司。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。