- Chinese scholars going abroad 中国赴国外学习
- These scholars went abroad for the prosecution of their studies. 这些学者出国进行研究。
- He went abroad to study as a scholar. 他作为奖学金获得者赴外学习。
- My friend took sick just before his going abroad. 我的朋友恰在出国之前病倒了。
- Many Chinese students go abroad to study science. 许多中国学生去国外攻读理科。
- Louisa have go abroad, but that's just by the way. 路易莎出国了,不过这只是顺便说说。
- How much does it cost to go abroad? 出国要多少钱?
- He go abroad last month, and so do Mary. 他上月出国了,玛丽也上月出国了。
- I had a medical checkup before going abroad. 我在出国前作了一次体格检查。
- I have to have a medical before going abroad. 出国前我得进行体格检查。
- The second battalion is/are going abroad. 第二营即将开赴国外。
- His father did not consent to his going abroad. 他父亲不同意他去国外。
- He resolved on going abroad to study. 他决定到海外留学。
- He was intent on going abroad for advanced studies. 他一心想出国深造。
- If I lose my job, I will/shall go abroad. 如果我失业了,我就出国。
- It would advantage him to go abroad. 出国会对他有好处。
- To discuss with Chinese scholars on Washington Consensus face to face is the purpose that Pro.Williamson go to Renmin University this time. 威廉姆森教授此次访问中国人民大学,旨在就“华盛顿共识”引起争论与中国学者面对面的讨论。
- I have to have a medical examination before going abroad. 出国前我必须进行体格检查。
- Five years ago you numbered your students studying abroad in the hundreds. Since then,20,000 Chinese scholars have studied throughout the world --- and more than half of them have come to American schools. 五年前,中国去国外的留学生还只不过几百名,而现在中国在全世界的学者和学生已达两万多名,其中一半以上到美国学习。