- Chinese social security fund 全国社会保障基金
- National Council for Social Security Fund P.R.C. 全国社保基金理事会。
- Will Social Security Funds Save the Stock Market? 社保基金输血,股市有救了?
- How to Collect Social Security Funds? 社会保障资金该如何筹集?
- A national social security fund was established,and it has already accumulated 124.2 billion Yuan of capital. 建立了全国社会保障基金,已积累资金1242亿元。
- Recently, the National Social Security Fund NSSF has been allowed to invest in overseas financial markets. 最近,国家社会保障基金获准在海外金融市场投资。
- Also in February, the State Council approved overseas investment of the National Social Security Fund. 也是在二月,国务院批准全国社会保障基金投资海外。
- A national social security fund was established, and it has already accumulated 124.2 billion Yuan of capital. 建立了全国社会保障基金,已积累资金1242亿元。
- Adequate social security fund is the material base of the social security system for its existence and operation. 充足的社会保障基金是社会保障制度赖以存在和运行的物质基础。
- "Social security fund was represented stabler, more the financing source that seeks long-term get one's own back. “社保基金代表了更稳定、更追求长期回报的资金来源。”
- Social security fund is a supplement and temper fund, how to invest and manage it to get higher return are drawing more and more attention. 社保基金作为一种补充、调剂基金,如何对它进行投资管理,来实现增值保值有着重要的理论和现实意义,在近些年也受到越来越多的关注。
- Callable Bull / Bear Contracts 2008, however the changes, so that previously invincible aura fading social security fund. 然而2008年的牛熊巨变,让此前战无不胜的社保基金光环褪色。
- We should try various channels to raise and accumulate social security funds. 多渠道筹集和积累社会保障基金。
- The State Council has approved the National Social Security Fund to purchase equity in the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and in the Bank of China. 国务院批准社保基金入股工行和中行。
- A reporter Tsing Ma: IESS Guangdong Province, yesterday revealed that the social security fund in Guangdong last year, the balance of 191,600,000,000 yuan. 本报讯记者马汉青报道:广东省社保局昨日披露,广东社保基金去年共结余1916亿元。
- During this period, while the Social Security Fund continued Jiancang, held from 2,614,000,000 shares to 778,000,000 shares to reduce, Jiancang amounted to 2.35 times. 而在这期间社保基金仍在持续减仓,持股数从26.;14亿股减少到7
- Therefore, it has become a priority for us to strengthen the personal accounts in the social security fund by exploring and developing the new approaches for accruement. 因此,探索和开辟新的合理的增值渠道,“做强”社保个人账户基金,是摆在我们面前的一个亟待解决的问题。
- Article 3 The overseas NSSF investment shall be organized and implemented by the National Council for Social Security Fund (hereinafter referred to as the NCSSF). 第三条全国社保基金境外投资,由全国社会保障基金理事会(以下简称社保基金会)负责组织实施。
- To transfer part of state-owned equity from the listed companies to the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) seems more feasible than from others at the first stages. 由于上市公司产权清晰,非上市企业的操作难度大,因此,先行选择上市公司的国有股权进行划拨是可行的。