- Chinese verbal communication 汉族言语交际
- Verbal communication as a subject of study. 作为学习的主题的口头交流
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills. 优秀的书面和和口头沟通技能。
- Excellent written and verbal communication. 出色的书面和口头沟通技巧。
- Language is a means of verbal communication. 语言是言语交流的一种方式。
- Personal pronouns rank as one of the important linguistic sub-systems in modern Chinese, therefore playing a vital role in verbal communication. 摘要现代汉语人称代词系统是一个重要的言语交际子系统,在言语交际中具有十分重要的作用。
- Exceptional written and verbal communication skills. 出色的写作和语言表达能力。
- Good written and verbal communication skills are essential. 非常好的书面和口头的沟通能力。
- Good written verbal communication skills are essential. 非常好的书面和口头的沟通能力。
- Irony is a common linguistic phenomenon in verbal communication. 反语是言语交际中一种常见的语言现象。
- Effective in English verbal communications. 熟练使用英语口语。
- He is is regarded as the most important master of Xiangsheng (crosstalk), a traditional Chinese verbal art that involves comical dialogues peppered with sarcasm and irony. 他被认为是中国相声界的泰斗,相声是一种传统的语言艺术,其中包括搞笑的对话,挖苦和反讽。
- The barest of definition, language is a means of verbal communication. 最简洁的定义:语言是言语交流的一种方式。
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Mandarin and English. 出色的国语及英语口语及书面交流技能。
- Verbal communication is the most fundamental form of human communication. 言语交际是人类最基本的交际形式之一。
- Nonverbal communication, like verbal communication, is also a part of culture. 非言语同语言一样,是文化的一部分。
- This paper demonstrates the Han nationality's cognitive characteristic through the systemic research on their meanings in order to train those who make Chinese as their second language to have a Chinese verbal thinking. 本文通过对意义的系统考察揭示出隐藏在其中的汉族人的认知方式,以培养第二语言学习者用汉语思维的方式。
- Good English written and verbal communication skills, necessary computer skills. 良好的英语听书读写能力以及必要的电脑操作技能;
- Fluent English, Demonstrated written and verbal communication skills and problem solving skills. 优秀的英文能力,具有书面和口头交流技巧和问题解决技能。
- Excellent verbal communication skills; in particular proficient verbal and written English. 优秀的语言沟通能力,精通英语口语和书写。