- Chinese women in ancient times suffered enough from feudal curtsy oppression and had few opportunities to join in the social activity. 摘要我国古代女性受尽封建礼教的压迫,很少有参与社会活动的机会,但她们当中的一些人为开拓自己的活动空间,投身于体育活动。
- Chinese women in ancient times 古代女性
- Soldiers in ancient time used escutcheon to fight. 古代的士兵用饰有花纹的盾作战。
- The second one begins with ideology, discusses the evolution of Greek views about women since Crete civilization and especially emphasizes on the Athenian views about women in ancient time. 第二部分从社会意识形态入手,探讨了自克里特文明以来的希腊妇女观的演变历程,并着重论述了古典时期雅典人的妇女观。
- In ancient times lepers were thought unclean. 在古代,麻疯病人被认为是不洁净的。
- What is chinese gooseberry called in ancient time? 在以前被称为中国醋栗(唐鹅莓)是什麽?
- In ancient times the earth was conceived as a flat disc. 在古代人们认为地球呈扁平的圆盘状。
- A mammoth is a large hairy type of elephant in ancient times. 猛犸是古代一种身体庞大、长着长毛的大象。
- Survival, Assistance and Administration for Others: Chinese Women's Rights in Ancient Times 生存、协理与代管:中国古代女性的权力
- A tunic worn by men and women in ancient Greece. 宽大长袍古希腊男人和女人所穿的一种长达膝盖的短袖束腰外衣
- In ancient times infant mortality was extremely high. 在古代婴儿死亡率极高。
- A loose outer robe worn by women in ancient Greece. 宽松外袍古希腊妇女穿的一种宽松长袍外套
- Women in ancient Rome used cosmetics. 古罗马的妇女使用化妆品。
- Soldiers in ancient time usually fight with pikes and shields. 古代的战士们通常用长矛和盾牌战斗。
- Encyclopedia of Woman in Ancient China ( 8 Vol. 中国古代女子全书(全8册)
- Since ancient times, Chinese women have undertaken heavy jobs in silkworm rearing and silk weaving. The legendary silkworm goddess refers to the incarnation of the image of woman. 自古以来,妇女在蚕织劳动中担负着艰巨的工作,而传说中的蚕神,也往往是妇女形象的化身。
- In ancient times, people used to stone offenders. 古代,人们都是用石头来防御入侵者。
- Both hands and feet were used in ancient times. 古代的时候是用手脚并用的。
- A thong for binding the hair, worn by women in ancient Greece. 束发带古希腊妇女们戴的一个束头发的皮带
- This is a stone bridge built in ancient times. 这是一座古代建成的石桥。