- But when the Dalai Lama was born in 1935 in a region controlled by a Chinese Muslim warlord, Tibet was in a vulnerable position. 但是,当达赖喇嘛1935出生于一个被中国穆斯林军阀控制的地区的时候,西藏处于一种脆弱的状态。
- Forum Notice: Mu community from space, circles, the Forum hierarchical structure, is the largest Chinese Muslim community (JAMAT), welcome you to stay in the MU. 论坛公告:中穆社区由空间、圈子、论坛分层构成,是目前最大的汉语穆斯林社区(JAMAT),欢迎你入住中穆。
- Palau, a Pacific island, agreed to receive a group of Chinese Muslim who were being now imprisoned in the Guantanamo Bay detention facility temporarily. 太平洋岛国帕劳同意暂时接收一群目前被关押在关湾设施内的中国穆斯林.
- The deal to allow the four men, who are Chinese Muslim Uighurs, to be transferred to the territory was agreed between America and the Bermudan government without consulting British officials. 事件起因是在没有征得英国政府同意的情况下,美国与百慕大政府私自达成协议,将四名中国维吾尔族的穆斯林囚犯转移到百慕大群岛。
- Since 1955, excluding the "cultural revolution" period, the Chinese Muslims have never stopped their pilgrimages to Mecca. 自1955年以来,除“文化大革命”期间之外,中国穆斯林去麦加朝觐的活动从未停止过。
- The number of Chinese Muslims able to make a pilgrimage to Mecca was extremely small before New China was established. 新中国建立前能去沙特朝觐的穆斯林屈指可数。
- Since 1955,excluding the "cultural revolution" period,the Chinese Muslims have never stopped their pilgrimages to Mecca. 自1955年以来,除“文化大革命”期间之外,中国穆斯林去麦加朝觐的活动从未停止过。
- The practice wants the Chinese Moslem brain,The law back entangles the waist,Divides greatly chops greatly,With overpowering momentum. 练习要缠头过脑,律背缠腰,大劈大砍,气势磅礴。
- Between 1955 and 1990 more than 11,000 Chinese Muslims participated in the Mecca pilgrimages,several dozen times the total before the founding of New China. 据统计,从1955年到1990年赴麦加朝觐的中国穆斯林有1.;1万多人,是建国前中国舟斯林赴麦加朝觐总人数的几十倍。近年来,每年朝觐的人数都在千人以上。
- The paper will analyze acculturation of three types of believers: ethnic Chinese Muslims, ethnic Chinese Christians, and believers of ethnic Chinese traditional religion. 本文分析三种类型的宗教信仰者的文化适应情况,他们分别是:华人穆斯林、华人基督徒、华人传统宗教信仰者。
- The Pacific island nation of Palau has agreed to temporarily accept 17 Chinese Muslims who are being held at the U.S. military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 太平洋岛国帛琉同意暂时接收目前留在古巴关塔那摩湾恐怖嫌疑人拘留设施的这17名中国回教徒。
- Between 1955 and 1990 more than 11,000 Chinese Muslims participated in the Mecca pilgrimages, several dozen times the total before the founding of New China. 据统计,从1955年到1990年赴麦加朝觐的中国穆斯林有1.;1万多人,是建国前中国舟斯林赴麦加朝觐总人数的几十倍。 近年来,每年朝觐的人数都在千人以上。
- Some of the Chinese Muslims -- known as Uighurs (pronounced WEE-gurs) -- believed in establishing a breakaway state from China that they called East Turkestan. 某些中国穆斯林(被称为维吾尔人)据信正试图建立一个从中国分裂出去的国家,即所谓的东土耳其斯坦。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- The strangest cases to come out of Guantanamo have been those against a group of Chinese Muslims who were picked up in Afghanistan following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. 走出关塔那摩监狱的最奇怪的情况,应属于那些911恐怖袭击后在阿富汗被抓获的一群中国穆斯林。
- How pleasant it is to dine on Chinese food! 吃上中餐是多么令人愉快啊!
- Chinese food is often served with rice or noodles. 中餐常有米饭或面条。
- That Asian stopped me and asked if I was Chinese. 那个亚洲人拦住我,问我是不是中国人。
- The English language is not allied to the Chinese. 英语与汉语不属于同一语系。
- The Chinese eat with chopsticks. 中国人用筷子吃饭。