- Chinexe and western culture 东西文化
- He learns both Chinese and Western culture. 他学习中西方文化。
- Globalization did not mesh eastern and western culture into one. 全球化并没有使东方文化或西方文化成为单一的文化。
- Verbal taboo is a common phenomenon in Chinese and Western culture. 摘要语言禁忌是中西方普遍存在的一种社会文化现象。
- They also boldly championed the Christian ethic and Western Culture tradition. 他们还勇敢地维护基督教道德伦理和西方文化传统。
- For a long time, Hong Kong has embraced the eastern and western cultures. 长时期以来,中西方文化在香港相互辉映,相互交融。
- Here are the basics of understanding the differences in Chinese and Western culture. 下面的一些基础知识可以帮助我们理解中国文化和西方文化的不同
- This 20-part TV series focuses on the conflict between Chinese and Western culture. 这个20集电视连续剧集中表现中西文化的冲突。
- For people who like philosophy, Eastern and Western culture is a very interesting thing yo. 对于喜欢哲学的人来说,东西方文化比较是一件蛮有意思的事情哟。
- Tourists will be amazed to find that Eastern and Western culture blend so well here. 游客们会惊喜的发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。
- A four-star international standard modern hotel,the building is built and decoratedin an elegant style to embody both Chinese and western culture. 一座按四星级标准兴建的现代化酒店,建筑装饰充分体现中西文化有机结合的设计思想,风格高雅,独具魅力。
- Our advisors have strong HR background, understand local and western culture and have professional experiences in various HR work. 他们有良好的人力资源专业背景,熟谙中西方企业文化,具有在企业hr领域及专业猎头公司工作多年的职业经历。
- MOU Zong-san gives a clear explanation of Chinese and Western culture from "moral heart" which is regarded as "the original form" of culture. 牟宗三从“道德的心”这个文化生命“本原形态”出发,对中西文化进行阐释和抉发。
- For a long time,Hong Kong has embraced the eastern and western cultures. 长时期以来,中西方文化在香港相互辉映,相互交融。
- Surf the Internet to get more information about the differences between Chinese culture and western culture and write a passage to compare them. 通过网络获取更多关于中西方文化的不同,利用写这一输出形式进行比较,更深刻地体会.;)
- Meanwile,It was integrated chinese and western culture and arts in body,choose abundantly suitable materials for product series. 先后被“广东省中山市产品质量监督检验所”认证合格。
- Here Chinese and Western cultures met and fused into each other harmoniously. 东西方文化在这里碰撞,并巧妙融合。
- To grasp the difference between eastern and western culture is the foundational requirement for successful intercultural communication. 掌握中西方文化的差异是成功实现跨文化交际的基本要求。
- Since late Ming Dynasty, HK and Macao have always been the bridgehead and hinge of Chinese and western culture exchange. 自晚明始,港澳就是中西文化交流的桥头堡和枢纽。
- The methods for the remodeling of national character tends to be operable, featuring the fusion of the eastern culture and western culture. 国民性改造方法选择趋于可操作性,凸现出“中西融合”的特点。