- Cahar as a special leadership in Mongol society has its beginning in the ancient empire of Mongols, having been blessed Toloi family by Chinggis Khan. 察哈尔蒙古起源于遥远的大蒙古国初期,被成吉思汗当作永久的纪念赐给拖雷家族的主妇,因而形成了这一蒙古社会拖雷家族主妇名下的特殊“领户”。
- Hasar in these two kinds of legends is related to Chinggis Khan s career by his character,physique,spirit and historical contribution. 这两类传说中的哈撒儿形象均与其性格、体貌、精神和历史功绩以及成吉思汗事业相关,有其历史渊源。
- Chinggis Khan 成吉思汗
- Mongol ruler who succeeded his father, Genghis Khan. 窝阔台蒙古统治者,他继承了父亲成吉思汗的王位
- The Khan asks her what she wants as a grace. 可汗问所欲。
- Yuan of the Mongols. Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan. 元朝是蒙古人建立的。成吉斯汗和忽必烈。
- Kublai Khan welcomed Marco and his father. 忽必烈汗热烈欢迎马可父子二人。
- Shere Khan is a tiger.Bagheera is a panther. 谢利是一只虎。巴希拉是一只黑豹。
- Why, it's the biggest fake since Cenghis Khan! 啊,这可是自成吉思汗以来最大的一次虚张声势。
- He did not receive either me or Umma Khan. 要么我还是没有拿到乌玛汗。
- Mongol ruler who succeeded his father,Genghis Khan. 窝阔台蒙古统治者,他继承了父亲成吉思汗的王位
- If khan believes me, I{ {can cure your daughter. 如果可汗相信我,我{{能治疗你的女儿。
- Kublai Khan becomes ruler of the Mongol Empire. 1260年的今天,忽必烈成为蒙古帝国的统治者(蒙古大汗)。
- Genghis Khan is his title, not his name. 韩佳:成吉思汗是他的称号,并不是他的名字。
- Than Khan has ordered men to fight. 可汗大点兵
- High, look high, Khan Le living dead! 要求高、眼光高,汗死生活勒!
- Kaa, the snake. And Shere Khan, the tiger. 蛇卡奥阿和老虎谢利。
- The Uzbek soldiers claimed mercy from Genghis Khan. 这些乌兹别克士兵祈求成吉思汗的宽恕。
- Why doesn't your khan collect money to help you? 你的可汗为什么不收集钱帮助你?
- Not in Genghis khan period,it cheats the people! 都不是成吉思汗时期的,有点蒙人啊!