- Choo Thiam Siew 朱添寿
- The following are the names for the vitamins: Vit B1- Thiam ... 紧急求购加在饮料中的矿物质,维生素,元素2008-01-21
- Drafting Cutting and Sewing in Dressmaking.By Pauline Gan Siew Eng. 男装裁剪法/(法)巴黎裁剪研究院编著;
- Holiday Inn Chattanooga Choo Choo : Book Direct. Click Here. 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!
- God made relatives; Thank God we can choo our friends. 神决定了谁是你的亲戚;幸运的是在选择朋友方面他给你留了余地.
- Normal Fried Rice Ingredients: Bean Sprout, Char Siew, Crabstick &Sausage. 普通炒饭配料:豆芽、叉烧、蟹肉、香肠。
- Attended the Dinner with YB. Datuk Mah Siew Keong, Deputy Minister of MITI. 会长暨商联会副总会长卢成全出席与我国国际贸易及工业部副部长YB.;拿督马袖强交流晚宴。
- That afternoon, Choo gave away another of his “ancient Chinese secrets. 那天下午,朱方又透露了一个“古老的中国秘密”。
- Vice President Vincent Siew also visited the temple on Wednesday morning. 副总统萧万长也在星期三上午亲自到法鼓山。
- Support Message to Dr. Priscilla Leung from Ms. Cheung-Ang Siew Mei ... 张洪秀美女士全力支持梁美芬参加九龙西立法会选举!
- That, at any rate, is being trumpeted by Mahmoud Thiam, Guinea's mines minister. 于是乎,几内亚的矿业部长马哈茂德.;蒂亚姆肯定会借此耀武扬威一番。
- Salted Fish Fried Rice Ingredients: Bean Sprout, Char Siew, Crabstick, Sausage &Salted Fish. 咸鱼炒饭配料:豆芽、叉烧、蟹肉、香肠、咸鱼。
- If they want to take it to court that is their decision,' said Mahmood Thiam, Guinea's minister of mines. 如果他们想诉诸法律,那是他们的决定。
- Mr. Thiam said Rio Tinto can still profit from a 50% stake. 'The half they are left with constitutes a world-class asset,' he said. 蒂亚姆说,力拓从50%25的股份中仍能获利。他说,给他们留下的那一半可以说是世界级的矿产。
- Wu, S.C., C.J.Lin, C.F.Tu, S.P.Lin, S.R.Wang, C.H.Mao, C.M.Chen, K.B Choo and W.T. 林恩仲、陈盈全、郭俊麟、苏晓兰、林道通、陈孟森、王俊渊、刘志俊、黄三元、李文权、孙孝芳、黄木秋、邱绣河。
- Decorative rivet punk Jimmy Choo shoes are regarded as the joker of fashion. Use them to amplify your tastes and chic. 铆钉鞋的百搭程度比起流苏鞋有过之而无不及,虽然没有流苏的张扬,但是时髦感依然强烈。
- As supporter of local artists, Fine art synergy also promotes the work of famous watercolorist Tham Siew Inn. 事实上,每一幅精制画作,皆经画家本身亲眼检定其各项制作细节,从而获得画家授予之认可证书或签名。
- The Char Siew tastes delicious tender and smooth without the overbearing oiliness. 叉烧肥的一点也不油腻,入口即化。
- Navin Bhandarkar,Lim Thiam Beng,1996,”Low-Stress Leadfram Design for Plastic IC Package ”, IEEE Electronic Component and Technology Conference, pp.803-807. 黄俊琦,2003年,”薄型电子构装晶片应力分析与晶片可靠性设计研究”,国立云林科技大学机械工程所硕士论文。
- My Chinese name is Siew Lan, but perhaps Chinese names are hard to read, because so many people mispronounced my name. 答:我的中文名字是秀兰,中文说起来比较困难,好多人都叫错我的名字。