- Christolea flabellatan. 长毛高原芥
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Tillandsia flabellata 百剑凤梨的组织培养和快速繁殖
- Keywords Gesneriaceae;Corallodiscus flabellata;phenylethanoid glycoside;structural identification; 苦苣苔科;石胆草;苯乙醇苷;结构鉴定;
- Keywords gesneriaceae;Corallodiscus flabellata;phenylethanoid glycoside;chemical constituent; 苦苣苔科;石胆草;苯乙醇苷;化学成分;
- Keywords Gesneriaceae;Corallodiscus flabellata;C-glycosylflavones;struct ural identification; 苦苣苔科;石胆草;黄酮碳苷;结构鉴定;
- Christolean. 高原芥属
- Christolea crassifolian. 高原芥
- Christolea himalayensisn. 喜马拉雅高原芥
- Christolea rosularian. 莲座高原芥
- Christolea villosan. 柔毛高原芥
- Aerides flabellatan. 扇唇指甲兰
- antenna flabellata 扇形触角
- Christolea baiogoensisn. 藏北高原芥
- Christolea kashgarican. 喀什高原芥
- Corydalis flabellatan. 扇叶黄堇
- Anadyomene flabellatan. 平板肋叶藻
- Christolea lanuginosan. 绒毛高原芥
- Christolea parkerin. 线果高原芥
- Mastophora flabellatan. 扇宽珊藻
- Licmophora flabellatan. 扇形楔形藻