- Results The cells lost its specialized cell surface elements such as microvilli and cell-cell junctions.The nucleus chromatin condensed and segregated. 结果细胞表面微绒毛消失,细胞接触松驰,细胞核缩小、碎裂、胞质空虚。
- Chromatin condensation was found during primary spermatocyte phase. 精原细胞体积最大,有明显核仁,出现前顶体颗粒。
- At the early stage, the chromatin was condensed and marginated.At the intermediate stage, the chromatin condensation was very striking, the nucleus became condensed bodies. 中期,染色质凝集十分明显,核变成致密小体,随后裂解成数个团块;
- When one section of chromatin condenses, the silence can spread along the chromosome until it hits a barrier. 当染色质的一段进行浓缩,造成的消音作用会顺著染色体往下传递,直到碰上某个障碍为止。
- This apoptotic-like cell death was demonstrated by cell shrinkage, phosphatidylserine exposure, and nuclear chromatin condensation. 结果甲硝唑可以诱导阴道毛滴虫出现凋亡样细胞死亡。
- Results By TEM authors demonstrated desquamation of endothelial cells,chromatin condensation, vacuolated cytoplasm and other morphological changes similar to atypical apoptosis. 结果电镜下见基底动脉的内皮细胞、平滑肌细胞胞核固缩,胞浆空泡化,类似细胞早期凋亡改变。
- Characteristic of ultrastructural features on apoptotic cells was nuclear membrane breakdown, chromatin condensation with horseshoe-like or crescent shapes. 凋亡细胞增多的改变与免疫器官生长发育受阻、淋巴细胞减少的变化一致。
- The typical morphological changes of LEC apoptosis in Gur group detected by TEM included chromatin condensation and aggregation at the periphery of the nucleons and nuclear fragmentation. 透射电镜下可观察到姜黄素组LEC呈现核染色质凝聚、固缩、边集、核碎裂等典型的细胞凋亡形态学改变。
- Dying cells show typical hallmarks of programmed cell death, such as mitochondrial depolarization, reactie oxygen species (ROS) generation, DNA degradation, and chromatin condensation. 濒死细胞表现出典型的程序性细胞死亡特征,如线粒体去极化、活性氧(ROS)生成、DNA降解和染色质浓缩。
- chromatin agglutination(chromatin condensation) 染色质凝聚
- He condensed his report from 2,000 words to 1,000. 他将报告从两千字压缩到一千字。
- A liquid condensed from vapor in distillation. 蒸馏液; 馏出物在蒸馏中,从蒸汽浓缩的液体
- Steam is condensed to water when it touches a cold surface. 水蒸汽触及冷的表面即凝结成水。
- Chromatin condensed 染色质凝聚
- Milk becomes condensed when water is taken out of it. 去除其中的水分,牛奶便成炼乳。
- A long story may be condensed into a few sentences. 一个长篇故事可缩写成几句话。
- Methylation of chromatin causes it to condense. 染色质甲基化后会出现凝缩。
- He stove the condensed milk from a hole on the tin. 他在罐头上凿了个孔,往出倒炼乳。
- A process by which data are condensed. 一种对数据进行压缩的处理过程。
- The condensed moisture is called dew. 凝结的水汽叫做露。