- Ci Studies in Qing Dynasty 清代词学
- Why People Went West in Qing Dynasty? 试析清代走西口的成因?
- Did they both appear in Qing dynasty? 它们都出现于清代吗?
- Import Solingen cavalry sword in Qing dynasty...... 大清进口的索林根马刀.....
- Wark on it began in Qing Dynasty(1709A. 该寺创建于西元1709年(清康熙四十八年),距现在有270年的历史。
- Ci study in the Qing dynasty 清代
- It was painted by a famous Chinese painter in Qing Dynasty. 这是中国清代的一位著名画家画的。
- All official robes in Qing dynasty had horse-hoof-shaped cuffs. 清朝的官服都有马蹄袖。
- On Selected Works on Poetic Rhythm Study in Qing Dynasty 清代诗歌声律学著作举要
- Wu Zao was a versatile poet in Qing Dynasty with many accomplishments in poetry,ci and qu. 清代女词人吴藻有着深厚的学养,在诗、词、曲等方面都有造诣,其中词的成就最高,集众家所长并自成一体,受到时人称颂;
- The application of criticism method in Ci study of the Qing dynasty is characterized by usages of imago criticism, comparative criticism, origin criticism and quoting verses criticism. 摘要清代词学对批评方法的运用,主要体现在四个方面:一是对意象批评方法的运用;二是对比较批评方法的运用;三是对源流批评方法的运用;四是对摘句批评方法的运用。
- It is been watched recently that the feature of region of Ci poem in Qing Dynasty,but not the Ningbo authors of Ci poem. 清词的地域性特色近年来深受关注,而清代四明词人的系统研究至今无人问津。
- In Qing Dynasty, most people held a negative attitude towards the creation of Ming Ci, which seems inappropriate, but Kuang had a comparatively fair opinion. 摘要清人对明词创作多持否定态度,多有不够允当之处,相对来说况周颐的意见较为中肯。
- This thesis tries to clear the development clue of Ningbo Ci poem through the works from every period,to show the personality of the Ningbo literature in Qing Dynasty. 现试图通过对各个时期词人词作的梳理,整理出清代四明词较为清晰的发展脉络,张扬宁波文学的个性特色。
- Officers always went out in sedan chairs in Qing Dynasty. 清朝官员出行通常乘坐轿子。
- Zhang Xuecheng is a famous historiographer and bibliographer in Qing Dynasty. 摘要章学诚是清代著名的史学家、目录学家。
- Zidishu is a special storytelling type originated in Peking in Qing Dynasty. 子弟书是一种特殊的产生于清朝都城北京的说书类型。
- He is engaged in studies in linguistics. 他从事于语言学的研究。
- Bukui was a chief of Daur in Qing dynasty, whose name was widely used. 摘要清代达斡尔首领卜魁拥有一个应用广泛的名字。
- The emendation in Qing Dynasty was very important in Chinese history. 清代是中国历史上校勘硕果累累,校勘学独立形成的全盛时期。