- Since mid Eocene the main basin bounding faults were transverse to the orogen, which were controlled by E-W trending extension in East China circum Pacific belt and deep tectonism. 大致在中始新世之后,受中国东部环太平洋构造带东西向伸展作用和深部构造作用控制,横跨造山带形成近南北向的裂谷盆地。
- Eastern Gondwana had begun to separate form Western Gondwana. 东冈瓦那和西冈瓦那分离。
- South Tianshan: a Late Paleozoic or a Triassic orogen? 南天山:晚古生代还是三叠纪碰撞造山带?
- They said: ‘we don't want to work in the dirty circum. 他们说:“我们不愿意在肮脏的环境里工作。
- South Tianshan:a Late Paleozoic or a Triassic orogen? 南天山:晚古生代还是三叠纪碰撞造山带?
- A wide Tethys ocean separated the northern continents from Gondwana. 宽广的古地中海将北方大陆与冈瓦那大陆分隔开。
- He seeks mastery over the fetishized rule and absolute ritual circum SCRIPTion. 他寻找精通盲目迷恋规则和绝对礼节界限。
- They didn't pick this or that kind of job out of passion; the circum stances of their lives did the choosing for them. 他们选择这种或那种工作并不是出于什么激情,是生活环境为他们选定了工作。
- The weather helps to break up a pattern of strong, cold winds called the circum polar vortex. 这样的气候有助于打破一个被称作环极涡旋的强盛的寒冷风场。
- The Meso-Tethys was a sea lying between Laurasia and Gondwana during the Middle and Late Mesozoic. 中特提斯是中生代中晚期存在于南、北大陆之间的海洋。
- The result also support that the Mesoproterozoic orogen in KangdianArea may be related to Grenville orogeny. 富良棚凝灰岩SHRIMP U-Pb年龄也表明康滇南部发育的中元古代晚期造山活动,可能与全球Grenville期造山运动相关。
- The supercontinent of Gondwana had just formed and was located near the South Pole. 另一个超大陆,冈瓦那超大陆刚刚形成,位于南极附近。
- The weather helps to break up a pattern of strong,cold winds called the circum polar vortex. 这样的气候有助于打破一个被称作环极涡旋的强盛的寒冷风场。
- The Baguashan anticline is located in the western thrust-and-fold zone of Taiwan orogen. 八卦山背斜位于台湾西部的逆冲褶皱带,总体生长是从北向南发展的。
- Abstract The formation and splitting of Gondwana land is still open to discussion. 摘 要 本文探讨了冈瓦纳古陆的形成和裂解的问题。
- The coal reserve of Gondwana coal fields in India accounts for 99%of that in this country. 冈瓦纳系煤田占印度国家煤炭储量的99%25。
- The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are the foreland tectonic belt of the Dabieshan orogen. 长江中下游地区,是大别造山带的前陆构造带。
- The distant substance advances under the circum stance with resistance and no assistance. 远方的物体在又有压力又没援助的环境下前进。
- Title: An evaluation of zircon U-Pb dating for metamorphic rocks and comments on zircon ages of Dabie orogen. 关键词:锆石计时;岩浆锆石和变质锆石;蜕晶化作用;增生-混合作用;重结晶作用;大别山年代学
- Diabase-porphyrite was the splitting product of passive margin of Gondwana Continent in Late Jurassic. 辉绿玢岩是冈瓦纳被动陆缘在晚古生代裂解的产物。