- How to construct the modern Civil Proceeding, especially the Civil Retrial Proceeding, will be an important step in the course of the Chinese Legal Modernization. 如何构筑现代民事诉讼程序尤其是民事再审程序,是中国法制现代化进程中的重要环节。
- The existing studies, which mention the issue only by way of parenthesis after discussing the reform of the civil retrial proceeding, are fragmentary and lack in special and systemic studies. 目前有关这方面的研究,一般都是在论及民事再审程序改革时附带提及,且都是零星而片段的,缺乏专门性和系统化。
- Civil retrial proceeding 再审程序
- To a conclusion, the system of retrial proceeding need reform and perfection. 再审制度必须进行改革和完善。
- The writer believes that the scope of civil retrial cases should be redefined. 笔者认为应重新界定民事再审案件的范围。
- Civil retrial procedure has been the heated topic of civil appellate theory and practice debate. 民事再审程序一直是我国民事诉讼理论界和实务界争论的热点问题。
- Civil Retrial System is a legal remedy to correct an error in effect judgment on the civil case and retry the case . 民事再审制度是为纠正已发生法律效力的民事裁判的错误而对案件进行重新审理的司法救济程序。
- The scope of civil retrial cases is too of principle which causes apparent disorder in trail work, practice. 我国立法规定的民事再审案件范围过于原则,造成近年来民事审判监督工作中的无序现象越来越明显。
- Due to the outdated idea and system flaws in the civil retrial procedure, our judicial credibility has been seriously challenged. 我国民事再审制度由于其观念的落后、制度的缺陷,使司法公信力受到严峻的挑战。
- In order to exert functions of Chinese civil retrial procedure completely, it is necessary to perfect Chinese civil retrial procedure. 所以,要充分发挥我国民事再审程序的作用,有必要对民事再审程序进行完善。
- Chapter III analyzes the positive function of the current civil retrial procedure and introspects the main problems existing in it. 第三章:分析了我国民事再审制度在司法实践中的积极作用,并对我国现行民事再审制度中存在的主要问题进行了深刻的反思和总结。
- Romano-Germanic family,typically represented by German,France and Japan,usually adopt RPA as their civil retrial system. 基于不同的指导思想和诉讼理念,这种再审制度主要有审判监督和再审两种模式。
- This paper starts with an analysis of the status quo of the civil retrial system in China, and then points out the reforming direction for our civil suit retrial system. 本文从分析我国民事再审现状出发,提出我国民事再审制度的改革方向,以求教于同仁。
- But the lack of humanization of our civil retrial procedure has hindered the realization of retrial justice, and will lead to loss of judicial authority. 但我国民事再审程序人性化的缺失,不仅妨碍了再审价值的实现,而且极易导致司法权威的失落。
- According to this theory, the strong power of the court and procurator ate to start retrial procedure should be informed in our pitching procedure of civil retrial. 根据这一理论,应对我国民事再审启动程序中法院和检察院再审的发动权作出相应变革。
- The civil retrial procedure which is initiated, examined and tried in some condition is a final line of defense to remedy the legal rights and interests of a party judicially. 民事再审程序是指生效裁决在一定条件下被提起、立案审查和审理的程序,是对当事人合法权益进行司法救济的最后一道防线。
- The civil retrial procedure is to cancel the final and binding judgment and to retry the ended case, which certainly relate to the justice and the severity of law. 摘要民事再审事由是启动再审程序的程序性理由,是取消原确定裁判的既判力,使案件重新进入审判程序(再审程序)的理由,而不必然是对案件进行改判的理由。
- After years of theoretical study and practical exploration, retrial reconstruction to the civil retrial system has gradually become a reform path chosen of consensus. 经过多年的理论研究和实践探索,以再审之诉重构我国的民事再审制度,已逐渐成为一种共识性的改革路径选择。
- The countermeasures are as following: to abolish court's authority of civil retrying, to limit accuser's authority of counterplea for civil retrial, to set up civil retrial suing action, and to reconstruct the reasons and administering of civil retrial. 对策是:取消人民法院依职权自行决定再审权、制人民检察院的民事再审抗诉权、立再审之诉,并重构再审理由、审管辖。
- The applying of China's current civil retrial procedure has not reached its expectant legislative or social redress results, for there exist a legislative limitation and non-strict judicatory practice. 我国现行民事再审程序的运行并未达到法律救济预期的法律和社会效果,究其原因,既有立法上的缺陷,又有司法实践中的执法不严。