- Civilian War Dead 非军人战争死亡
- Raisinga monument to the war dead. 为战争中的死难者立一座纪念碑。
- The shrine honors Japanese war dead, including convicted war criminals. 靖国神社供奉着日本的战争亡灵,其中也包括被定罪的战犯。
- He didn't fight in the front line but was in charge of the troop's civilian war service. 他没有在前线战斗,而是负责军队的战勤。
- The Yasukuni Shrine honors Japan's war dead, including convicted war criminals. 靖国神社供奉著日本战争死难者,其中包括战犯。
- Make up with concerned mechanism in headquarters set, have fight give advice of give advice, training give advice, reconnoiter give advice, civilian war service. 在司令部和有关机关编设,有作战参谋、训练参谋、侦察参谋、战勤参谋等。
- Junichiro Koizumi said his visits to the shrine are meant to honor the war dead, not to glorify Japan's militarism. 小泉纯一郎说,他的参拜是纪念战争亡灵,而不是美化日本军国主义。
- The Yasukuni shrine honors two-and-a-half million Japanese war dead, including convicted war criminals. 靖国神社内供奉着250万日本战争亡灵,包括被定罪的战犯。
- The sound of taps is being heard at cemeteries throughout the United States as America honors its war dead. 靖国神社供奉着沾满中国和其他亚洲人民鲜血的甲级战犯的牌位。
- The Yasukuni shrine honors Japan's war dead, including several convicted World War Two criminals. 靖国神社里供奉着日本的战争亡灵,其中包括几名被定罪的二战战犯。
- Earlier in the day, Mr. Obama paid tribute to America's war dead with a visit to Arlington National Cemetery. 当天早些时候,奥巴马先生赞扬了在美国战争中阵亡的烈士,访问了阿灵顿国家公墓。
- The shrine is a memorial to 2.5m Japanese war dead, but also the focus for unrepentant militarism. 靖国神社是日本为追悼250万战役者修建的纪念设施,但问题的焦点是那些死不悔改的军国主义。
- Mr Koizumi is no diehard imperialist.He sees the war dead as victims of Japan's own militarism. 小泉并不是顽固的帝国主义者,他只是认为这些阵亡者是日本军国主义的受害者。
- Mullen originally scheduled the interviews to mark America's Memorial Day holiday, when the nation honors its war dead. 马伦原来是为了美国阵亡将士纪念日而接受采访的。全美国在阵亡将士纪念日这一天缅怀在战争中牺牲的官兵。
- A solemn ceremony in Delaware has marked the end of nearly a two-decade ban on news coverage of returning US war dead. 一场在美国特拉华州庄重举行的仪式标志着近二十年来不得对归国遗体进行新闻报道的禁令的终结。
- The shrine honors more than two million Japanese war dead, including several convicted war criminals. 靖国神社供奉著两百多万名在战争中死亡的日本人,包括一些被定罪的战犯。
- Muslim couple strolls past a Sarajevo cemetery dedicated to Bosnian Army war dead. 一对穆斯林夫妇走过一个萨拉热窝公墓,这里布满了波斯尼亚战争的牺牲者的坟墓。
- As in the case of the revised textbook, visits by Japanese political leaders to the Yasukuni Shrine for the war dead are also an act of glorifying the past. 与修改教材一样,日本政治领袖参拜靖国神社,同样是一种美化历史的行径。
- Emperor Akihito and Empress, Prime Minister Fukuda, and other people attended the 5700 Tokyo Nippon Budokan national war dead memorial ceremony. 明仁天皇及皇后、福田首相等5700人共同出席了在东京日本武道馆举行的全国战殁者追悼式。
- The shrine honors Japan's 2.5 million war dead and is vilified by critics at home and abroad as symbolizing Japan's militaristic past. 靖国神社供奉了二战时期死去的250万日本军人。这些在日本国内外都引发了强烈的反抗。